•e.k~> two sides•

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eddie boi is getting LOVE
Requested by: LOTTALOVES ! I frickin' love your profile :(
This is a sunlitgrazer/LOTTALOVES x eddie! Not a Y/N x Eddie!
I hope you enjoy!
**lowercase intended!**
Please don't steal my work!~
One last thing, tysm for 16k! 💖

~Edit: Thurs 26 December - 23: 09 didn't realise until now that i wrote it differently from what you requested, but i've gone so far into it I didn't want to ruin the progress, if you wish for me to remake it, I'll be fine with that!~

"victor criss!"

gracie was hitting her older brother, victor as you could tell, on the chest with her fist repeatedly.

"how could you?!" she yelled, victor tried to block her hits, but he unfortunately couldn't, due to the fact that she was hitting him quite speedily.

"how could i what?!" he whimpered, gracie slowed down her hits, giving him one final bonk to the head. she turned away from him, pouting.

"you ate my last refresher, i spent so much money on those." she sighed, victor patted her on the back, as well as hugging her as a last resort to be forgiven.

"i'm sorry little sis, okay? i'll get you some more after school, 'kay?" he suggested, she thought for a moment, before smiling widely and nodding.

"alrighty, we got that sorted, go hang with your buds, i'll see you after school kid." he waved goodbye and gracie waved back, running towards the trio that were entering the school.

gracie muffled a giggle as she eavesdropped on their conversation about stan's ceremony.

"bill, you're really making me uncomfortable with this whole 'circumcision' thing. no, we don't get it chopped off, i just magically become a man!" stan sighed, richie soon joined their side and so did gracie. eddie followed suit as they approached their classroom.

gracie and eddie slightly bumped into each other, due to the fact they both tried to enter at the same time. they locked eyes with each other and slightly smiled whilst blushing, walking to their designated seats.

- - - - - ~

it was later in the day, when the boring days pf school had ended and summer vacation just arrived. unfortunately for gracie, she had a extracurricular class every friday.

"s-s-s-so we'll s-s-see you at 3:00.. okay?" bill asked, gracie nodded happily before saying her goodbyes and re-entering the school. once she arrived at her maths class, she swung the door open, only to reveal the one person there: her teacher.

"mrs. grant, where are the other students?" she asked politely, her teacher seemed to jump from the voice behind her.

"oh, gracie dear! how lovely it is to see you," she began with a worried tone. "i'm sorry to say this, but mathematics club is cancelled."

gracie was confused, why was the club cancelled? why was mrs. grant so frantic and worried?

"oh, why? you don't seem very well either." gracie was concerned for her, patting her teacher's shoulder. she was freezing cold and was shaking slightly, panic bubbling inside gracie's stomach.

"well, you see, my daughter, she disappeared two days ago and hasn't came back." gracie felt sick, knowing that the multiple disappearances of children still hasn't been linked to something.

"oh my gosh.. please, instead of being here, go look for your daughter, she means more to you than some club. now go." she encouraged mrs.grant, giving a sincere smile as her teacher smiled back.

"alright then, gracie. you have a nice day darling." she waved goodbye before leaving, gracie left soon after, checking the time straight afterwards.

2:13, i still have a lot time left.

she looked around before starting to walk home, but she heard a similar voice from around the corner.


gracie's head turned as fast as lightning towards the noise, confused by the sudden outburst. she decided to investigate to see what was going on, even though she heard from everyone that is a dumb decision in every horror film.

when she looked upon the scene, gracie was horrified.

victor stood watching in fear, watching his friends bully eddie.

"hey! what the fuck are you doing?!" gracie screamed, pulling eddie away from henry bowers grip, the germaphobe was trembling in fear.

"your girlfriend decided to show up. how cute." henry mocked, standing up as he brushed the dirt off of him. victor looked at henry and then gracie.

"henry, c'mon, this is my sister-"

"shut up victor!" victor tried to interfere, but henry shoved him out of the way, making his way towards gracie.

"why are you protecting a wimp?" henry asked, tilting his head to the side as a cocky grin was plastered onto his face. henry took pleasure from making others feel worse about themselves, but on his own, he would have his own issues, issues he wouldn't like people to find out.

"b-because he's my best friend!" she stuttered slightly, lying wasn't her best strategy and it didn't feel right to her, but at the time, it was the best thing to do. Unfortunately, her confident self cracked as her weakness revealed itself.

"don't lie to me, punk. tell the truth, tell me why you protect this little punk fro-"

"because i love him!" she confessed, everyone was in shock, even henry himself. victor's eyes were wide like gracie's, who was pink like cherry blossom, eddie was shaking, but seemed more calm than before.

"scram guys." victor blurts out, before henry and the rest as his goons ran off, victor was left with his sister and eddie. speaking of the devil, eddie stands up and dusts himself off and so does gracie.

"d-do you actually like me?" eddie stumbles over his word, on disbelief that someone as beautiful as her liked him. gracie hesitated on telling him, before nodding her head.

eddie was taken aback and so was victor.


"i get it eddie, you don't like me back." she interrupts him, rubbing the nape of her neck as victor watched the intense scene unfolding before him.

"no, gracie. I do like you." eddie managed to say without stuttering, gracie gasps in shock, paralysed, unable to move. she smiled before bursting into to tears, rushing up to eddie and crushing him into a hug, victor grinning widely at the happy ending.

"i-i can't believe this." gracie sniffed, wiping away some of the tears that were rolling down her red cheeks. eddie reassuringly smiled, rubbing small circles on her cheeks as he cupped them.

"alright lovebirds." victor chuckled, both of them seemed to forget he was there.

"so.. do you wanna hang out before going to see the others?" gracie asked eddie, he seemed to think before nodding, victor tapped them.

"but first, let's get you some refreshers, ay?" they all laughed together, walking off to the nearest shop.

I guess some stories do have happy endings.

- - - - - - - ~

This took so long I'm sorry :(

I'm gonna make up for the time I missed with new imagines, preferences, etc.

See you next time, losers!


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