•r.t ~> the weakest.•

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Summary: You're Richie's crush, but it's not one sided however, you like him back, but you're both oblivious to the fact. It's the final battle with Pennywise, Stanley is alive, but instead of Eddie dying in the end, it's you. well, you'll see.

f/l/y/n= the first letter of your name

*angst ahead! and yes, i know richie is gay, but we ship many ships, and reddie is one of them, please don't criticise me-*

**edit: people are telling me he's bi, but either way,, it doesn't really matter, if he's bi, we're bi icons, if he's gay, he's a gay icon! 😅💖**


**IT CHAPTER 2 SPOILERS AHEAD, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER IF YOU HAVEN'T SAW IT, unless you're a rebel, go ahead and read-**

**Lowercase is intended!**

Please do not steal my work~

"-you're a sloppy bitch! yeah that's right! let's dance! yipee ki yaya motherfu-"

that's when shit hit the fan.

richie's mouth was wide open, face as pale and white as his eyes, his feet no longer touching the ground. blood was dripping from his nose. eddie stood next to you, stan behind.

"what do i do?!" you cry, tears streaming down your face before eddie handed you the weapon beverly gave him. you looked at the pole in confusion, basically asking, "what will this do?".

"if y-you believe it does, it kills monsters." eddie told you, remembering what bev had said to him hours before. reassuringly smiling at you, eddie turned to look at the creepy creature in front of you all, you gulped loudly.

"if you believe it does, it kills monsters.. if you believe it does." you gathered up the confidence whilst gripping the pole tightly, wiping tears away.

it's mouth was still open, so you took that opportunity to throw the pole into its mouth. the pole glowed a darkish green before it hit pennywise in the mouth, making the deadlights disappear as it screeched in pain, closing its mouth.

"holy shit! i got him!" you cheered, but you didn't cheer for long because richie fell to the floor with a loud thump. you turned to richie to see him on the floor, holding his head in pain.

all three of you ran towards him, you in front. you grabbed the sides of his head, looking straight at him. stan looked around, his heart beating through his chest.

"y/n I don't think this is a good idea-"

"y/n, please.. just help him up!" stan and eddie tried to persuade you to get richie up, but you didn't care. you killed a psychotic clown for fuck sake.

"do you think i got him, rich?! i think i got him! i think i killed it, i think i-"

pain sprang through your stomach as blood splattered onto richie's face and glasses, blood hit stan's chest as well as eddie's, making everyone scream.

you had been impaled, by one of pennywise's spider legs.

"oopsie!" pennywise had laughed, richie stared at you, tears welling in his eyes before they fell. blood dripped down your stomach and onto richie, as waterfalls of tears fell from your lashes, mixing in with your blood.

"richie.." you mumbled, his hands trailing to yours as he held them tightly.

"y/n.." he whispered, sitting up before you were pulled away from his arms, being thrown into a corner near beverly and bill, who were crying and screaming also.

"i always knew she was the weakest, the puniest one of all!" pennywise screamed, you lay there in pain, coughing and breathing heavily.

richie couldn't take it any longer, he ran over to you, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around the deep wound in your stomach.

"y/n please, please don't leave me." he whimpered, wiping the streaks of blood off of your face. you weakly placed a hand on his cheek, rubbing it with your thumb gently.

"i w-w-won't rich, i w-would never leave you or th-the losers." the corners of your mouth creased into a small smile, richie sadly smiled back, before getting up, ready to murder the fucking clown.

"let's kill this fucking clown." he spat.

the battle finally ended, with the losers club ripping pennywise's heart right out of his chest and squeezing it till it burst, the clown fading away.

richie realised you were still in the corner, so he ran towards you.

"y/n, we did it, we killed it.." he cheered sadly, you looked at him, your breathing short.

"good job.. rich." you smiled with all the energy you could, blood was still gushing out of you, surprisingly you weren't dead yet, which was a miracle to richie.

"richie, honey, she's not gonna make it.." bev started, her voice cracking as she looked at you. "there's too much blood."

"no, we can get her out! she-she'll be fine.." richie's voice started cracking as well, he picked you up bridal style as the walls started to collapse, all of you running out of the neibolt house into daylight, you squinted your eyes, the light blinding you.

the neibolt house crumbled to pieces, all of you outside watching it.

"y/n, we're gonna get you to the hospital okay?.." richie said to you, placing his forehead against yours as you slowly nodded, too weak to do anything.

they managed to get you to the hospital, but richie never got to visit, due to his job, so he never found out how you were and how much you recovered.

richie had returned to the kissing bridge, when he carved those letters into the wood when he was 14, 27 years ago he carved that.

sliding his pocket knife out of his pocket, kneeling down and once again carving the letters he dearly loved.

'R + f/l/y/n'

richie smiled, remembering memories from 27 years ago, the quarry, the ice cream parlour, etc.

"hey rich, what are you carving?"

that voice was familiar.

it was you.

richie turned around to see you, bandages wrapped around your stomach and plasters on your face and arms. you still had the same features from weeks ago, only you were still healing from the attack.

"y/n!-" richie couldn't believe his eyes, he wrapped his arms around you, careful not to hurt you as you hugged back, smiling.

"i'm back you lanky comedian, better than ever." you joked, richie laughed, sending vibrations through you.

"i'm your lanky comedian," he smiled warmly, pulling away from the hug and pressing a kiss against the tip of your nose. "and in my eyes, you're the strongest woman i've ever met."

"wow, i knew it would happen one day!"

"eds, shut your mouth!" you both yelled in between laughter, the losers club behind you both.

and 7 smiles turned into 8.


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