•e.k ~> Summer Camp•

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Summary: Evelyn and author-chan (moi!) go to summer camp, author chan is best friends with eddie.. you'll see :)

Request by: Evelynthenekocat ! Thank you for the request! i'm sorry this took a while!

Disclaimer: This is a Evelyn x Eddie! Not a Y/N x Eddie.


**Lowercase intended!**

"god, how i do not want to be here." abbie mumbled, both of them staring at the sign that said in bright yellow: SUMMER CAMP KNOW WHERE FOR KIDS 12-15.

"as a 15 year old.. I'm not up for this." evelyn groaned, rubbing her temples before woman who looked as happy as she could be, gathered the rest of the kids, including the two girls.

"alright everyone! today is your first day in summer camp! are you all excited?" she asked with a cheery smile, no-one replied to her, not a single whisper. there was an awkward silence so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"alright, m'kay.. that's fine. okay!" she continued to babble on, both abbie and evelyn drowned out her annoyingly happy voice and chat with each other, not caring if they were scolded.

"oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, a few friends from kindergarten are here. i haven't seem them in a few years, so mind the tears and stuff." she explained, chuckling afterwards as evelyn giggled, both of them trying to quieten themselves.

"alright campmates! we're gonna get to know each other, so can we get into little groups of 4 or 5?" the leader continued, making evelyn and abbie groan, both of them standing up and dusting themselves off, before looking around for people.

"oh! over here guys!" abbie yelled to 2 boys, both of them jogged over, smiling widely. abbie grinned widely hugging both of them in a group hug as evelyn stood there awkwardly.

"evelyn, this is dustin," she pointed to the curly haired boy who waved shyly, a sincere smile on his face. "and this is eddie!"

"uh.. hey." eddie held out his hand as evelyn awkwardly shook it, giving a small smile to him.

"these shorts are so tacky- anyway, you got to know each other, the basics.. but nevermind." abbie perked up, clasping her hands together as she looked at the other three.

"so, how about we hang out?" she grinned widely.

- - - -   

"really? do you think this will really work?"

dustin whispered to abbie, staring at evelyn and eddie, who were across the room from them, helping unpack the cabin they were sharing.

"yeah, set them both up on the same blind date and they'll get together. boom, plan a will be a success." abbie explained, hand gestures flying everywhere as she did so. dustin nodded, taking in all of the info she just gave him.

"hey, what are you guys talking about?" eddie asked, standing in front of them as he held a box named, 'ORNAMENTS', in his hands. abbie smirked, nudging dustin as she giggled softly, a smile creeped onto dustin's face.


"nothing!" abbie yelled, covering her mouth.

"hm. okay. you and dustin have got really close this month, you really should start dating." eddie grinned, chuckling evilly as dustin flipped him off with a frown.

" eddie grinned, chuckling evilly as dustin flipped him off with a frown

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"fuck you." dustin cussed, as evelyn's eyebrows raised in confusion. she locked eyes with abbie and they both burst out laughing. soon abbie scooted next to evelyn, hands on her knees.

"evelyn, evelyn, i wanna set you up for this blind date!" abbie poked at evelyn, a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

"what." evelyn deadpanned, cringing at the thought of it.

"i saw a really cute guy I thought you'd like! c'mon, give it a try!" she persuaded, pouting at evelyn. evelyn hesitated and thought for a moment, before shrugging and nodding.


- - - -

"did you tell eddie about the blind date?" abbie whispered as they sat behind a bush in the middle of night, everyone else was asleep except for abbie, dustin, eddie and evelyn.

"of course i did." dustin sarcastically scoffed, rolling his eyes as abbie slapped him on the arm. she shushed him, seeing evelyn arrive at the spot she was to go to.

she sat down in one of the chairs at the table, staring at the candles and the night sky. dustin gasped, pointing to eddie, who was walking down the hill.

"w-wait.. evelyn?!" eddie whisper-yelled in surprise, slightly tripping over and jogging down the hill to the little candlelit table. evelyn turned around to see eddie, her eyes widening.

"wait, eddie?! what the.." evelyn realised the situation, before facepalming herself. "they tricked us."


"they tricked us so they could arrange a 'date' for the both of us!" she exclaimed, abbie stifled her laughter and so did dustin. eddie sighed.

"i-it's worth a try." he stuttered, rubbing his arm as he awkwardly stared at the table, the cake assortment and little pieces of candy was on the plates, placed in a weird way.

evelyn nodded in agreement, eddie sat down on the other side of the table. it was silent at first, but then they started to talk until having a full blown conversation whilst eating, both of them seeing to enjoy themselves.

it soon became the end of their 'date', as evelyn said her goodbyes and got up to leave, eddie grabbed her arm.

"wait! uhm.. i really enjoyed this.." eddie confessed, making the both of them blush as abbie and dustin were in tears of joy.

"c-can we maybe.. try this out as like.. boyfriend and girlfriend and see how it goes?.." evelyn could feel her heart rate increase, her face burning red.

"ye-yeah! I'm up for that.." she replied, as eddie reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers, before abbie jumped out from the bush in joy.

"hell yeah bros!- oops." abbie cheered, before shutting herself up because she ruined the moment.

"god damnit.." dusting sighed, pulling her away as they went back to the cabin to sleep. evelyn giggled as her and eddie strolled back to the cabin, hand in hand.

- - - - - ~




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