•e.k ~ laser tag•

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This is a kind of modern eddie,, idk if laser tag was around when IT was based.

Request from: Pikachu_Nelly Thank you for the request! I'm very sorry this took a long time.

This is a Nelly x Eddie, not a Y/N x Eddie!
Based off of this prompt:

Enjoy! Take some late Christmas IT fanart ! Not my art btw! Credit to the artist (idk who they are :()

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Take some late Christmas IT fanart ! Not my art btw! Credit to the artist (idk who they are :()

It was summer vacation, The Losers were hanging out together, having a good time together whilst they chat amongst themselves

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It was summer vacation, The Losers were hanging out together, having a good time together whilst they chat amongst themselves. Eddie sat next to Nelly, who was sitting next to Ben and Bev, both of the couples holding hands with their lovers.

Eddie and Nelly had been together for half a year, Ben and Bev were together for a year.

"So, when Stan came around the corner, I yelled at him, I swear he pissed himself when I scared him!" Richie bragged with a smug grin, Stan scoffed, his chin resting upon his hand as he placed his feet on the bench.

"Oh shut up Richie." Stan kicked him in the back, he hissed in pain, slapping Stanley's leg back as revenge. It ended up the quarrelling with each other, hitting at every possible point.

"Stop it you two!" Nelly yelled, they both stopped as they scooted away from each other, huffing as they folded their arms.

"Hey, how about we go to the laser tag thing down the street? Seems fun and it's cheap." Beverly perked up, taking a puff of her smoke, as Eddie fiddled with his jacket ends.

"Beverly, I asked you to stop smoking-"

"Oh shit, yeah, sorry Eds, this'll be my last, I promise." Eddie pouted before smiling at Bev's words, she dropped the cigarette onto the ground and squished it with her boot, they were outside after all. Stan hopped off of the bench, as the rest of them got up and stretched: they had sat there for a while.

"R-R-Race ya, M-Mikey!" Bill smirked, running off as Mike chased after him, yelling a, "I'm gonna get you!" at Bill, which made Nelly and Eddie giggle.

"How are you liking Derry?" Eddie asked Nelly, pecking her knuckles as they began to walk, not a far distance behind the other losers. She thought for a few seconds, one hand holding Eddie's and the other in her pocket.

"It's nice." She complimented, Eddie hummed in pleasure, as they got to the hill, the laser tag place was only a few shops away.

"I've never tried laser tag," Eddie admitted, looking away in embarrassment. "My mom doesn't like me going to those types of places. She thinks its a bad influence and thinks I'll turn to real guns, I mean, come on!"

Nelly laughed, Eddie's mom was crazy, overprotective. You thought she was only being a good parent when you and Eddie first met, but when she went as far as convincing your family to move away (just so she can keep Eddie away from you), that's when you knew she was mental.

They all finally reached their destination, entering as a little bell rang throughout the room. A lady was at the till, waiting for her next customers.

"Oh, hello there," She greeted with a smile and a wave. "Is it just you eight?"

"Y-Y-Yes m'am." Bill answered, a sincere smile on his face. The lady tells them their total, they split it and py their fees, before heading to their room to get into their gear.

"I'm excited!" Nelly squealed, securing her vest and grabbing her laser gun. Eddie did the same, smiling at her.

"I'm so gonna beat you." Eddie was competitive when it came to games, so it wasn't a surprise. Nelly smirked.

"Oh yeah? Well-"

"Hey, lovebirds, we're starting." Mike interrupted, making the rest of them giggle and snicker. Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Let's go." Ben beckoned as they all ran off to their spots.

- - - - ~

"3, 2, 1, fight!" The intercom yelled, as Nelly spread out to the area around her. She scanned the area cautiously, talking to herself. It was a sort of strategy she had.

"Alright, so to my left, there's a good ducking spot incase I need it.." she whispered to herself, gripping onto her laser gun tightly.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming to her right, so she ran to the left to the hiding spot that she found. Nelly peeked out, seeing Beverly walking around, looking at every nook and cranny.

"Sorry Bev!" Nelly yelled, before shooting at her vest, it started to beep, indicating that she was out.

"Awe man, good aim Nel!" Beverly sighed, complimenting Nelly afterwards, waving as she exited the room to take her gear off and spectate. Nelly waved back as she left.

"One down, six to go." She smirked, confident she was gonna win.

What she didn't realise was that Eddie snuck up behind her and pointed his gun at her.

"Freeze." He chuckled, Nelly swiftly spun on her heel, her eyes widening as she noticed the situation.

"You've betrayed me!" She giggled, before Eddie started to walk towards her, making her back up into the corner with an arm above her head, the laser gun still pointed at her vest.

He slowly started to lean in, closing his eyes as their lips connected as they moved together, like they were dancing in the moonlight. Nelly's eyes fluttered shut, before she dropped her gun to cup Eddie's cheek.

They both needed oxygen, pulling away with heavy pants, both of them smiling. Eddie's smile turned into an evil grin, a pew! sounded throughout their ears, Nelly's vest beeping. A small gasp escaped her mouth, before Eddie casually walked away.

"Wha-Eddie-COME BACK HERE!" Nelly blushed red, chasing after him as her vest continued to beep.

- - - - - - - ~

I actually love that prompt

Future boyfriend/girlfriend, take notes!!

See y'all in the next chapter, losers!


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