•arcade games - r.t•

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Requested by: mrsteddyduchamp ! Sorry I didn't do your request from a while back, i've been so caught up in requests :(

DISCLAIMER: this is a Tiara/Tee x Richie! Not a Y/N x Richie!

What if Tiara beat Richie's high score?

What if Tiara beat Richie's high score?

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This arcade wasn't new to Tiara, it was like her second home, one where she was safe and sound, where she could be herself without being judged. She was there to have fun, maybe beat a few high scores or two and basically just to be a normal teen!

She bounded through the door, ready to spend all her tokens on arcade machines, mainly Street Fighter. She spotted Beverly, smiling widely as they both waved at each other.

"Hey girl! You up for some Street Fighter?" Beverly asked, Tiara enthusiastically nodded, a grin on her face, but there was one problem.

"C'mon Richie! You can do it!"

She could hear the sound of her cousin Eddie's voice coming from somewhere.

It was coming from the Street Fighter arcade game.

Encouraging cheers came from a circle around said arcade machine as multiple button clicks faintly emitted from it. Tiara stared in confusion as she walked closer, before getting a small fright when they all cheered.

"Awesome Richie!"


"You beat the top player's high score?!"

Oh no he didn't.

She was top player, how could someone like HIM beat her?

She shoved past the crowd and looked at the scores, eyes wide on shock. He really did beat her, by 100 points.

"You BEAT ME?!" she exclaimed the obvious, hands forming into fists as they rested on top of the game.

"Woah woah woah, yeah, I beat you, so what? It's just a game." he had a point, but Tiara didn't listen, she had too much pent up anger inside her. She worked hard for that score, only for it to be discarded into second place.

"You.. I'll overthrow you!-"

"Hey hey hey! No need to be aggressive!" he held his hands up in defence, everyone watched in shock as they argued. The argument was going nowhere, Tiara was mad, Richie was defensive.

"You know what Richie?! Right here, right now," you turned around to the crowd, who were still eagerly  watching and listening. "I will beat your score, right in front of you!"

Multiple gasps came from the circle, Richie was shocked: he beat such an adorable but stubborn friend, well, his crush, in a video game and now she was challenging him? He was kind of over the moon, not gonna lie.

She angrily inserted a token, before Beverly held onto her arm.

"Tee, are you sure you wanna do this? It's hard to get that type of score-"

"I worked hard for that top score, I'm just going to have to do that again." she huffed, watching as the game started up and she selected single player, picking her character before jumping straight into the game.

Furiously smashing the buttons and moving her character, she watched as her score increased massively, a smile creeping onto her face. Soon after, she completed the game.

"New record! Top score! Please enter your name below."

She read out the words programmed on the screen out loud, the crowd that had now increased gasped in surprise, even Beverly was in shock.

She entered her name.

"You already have a score! Overwrite score?"

"Yes[<]      No[ ]"

Richie was shocked, she beat him by an additional 500 points, it just made him fall for her more.

"Holy SHIT dude!" Richie almost yelled, staring at the numbers of her score, a smile on his face. She gave him a slight glare, making him pipe down a bit. Grabbing her hand, Richie had almost bolted out of the arcade, dragging Tiara along with him.

"Hey! What are you doing, Rich?!" she giggled slightly, trying to release herself out of his grip. He suddenly stops.

"Alright, I didn't wanna say this in front of the others because they'd bully me, but uh, I like you, like a lot." he confessed, making Tiara's heart skip a beat whilst it beat against her ribcage.

"Uhm, I don't know what to say to that but.. I like you too." she admitted, smiling softly as Richie did too, grabbing her hand again and holding it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Maybe we could go to the ice-cream parlour after we spend all our tokens?" Richie asked, Tiara thought for a bit, hesitating to answer before she gave a simple nod.

"I think we'll get along just fine."

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i literally can't stop listening to hamilton

aaron burr sir is a bop, so is the schuyler sisters

lafayette is 😳🤚

guns and ships is a good song

i actually love musicals with a passion


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