•b.d ~> stutter.•

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Summary: You and Beverly have been best friends for years. You both go to the pharmacy because of lady problems, and end up meeting the losers club, your eyes only focused on Bill, and his on yours. it continues on!

Warnings: None!

**Lowercase intended!**

Please do not steal my work ^^

Oh girls just wanna have fun!

you stared at the tampon boxes and pads with beverly, your long time best friend. music quietly played in the background. bev turned to look at you and you did the same, before bursting into laughter and fits of giggles.

"gosh, y/n, i never knew we could be as immature as 5 year olds!" bev laughed, before she shut up and grabbed two of the same tampon boxes, rushing into the next aisle. you looked around and saw gretta, yours and beverly's enemy. cursing under your breath, you ran into the same aisle as bev, before seeing her stand before 3 boys, one caught your eye.

"hey, what's going on?" you asked, staring at that one boy.

"there's a kid outside, looks like someone killed him." the one with the fanny pack perked up, nervously looking around with multiple items of first aid in his hands.

"you sure you can afford all that, and are you sure you got the right stuff?" bev smirked, staring at the money in the curly haired boy's hand, he shook his head, before beverly came up with plan, explaining it to them. you decided to go with that plan and went through with it, it worked like a charm.

 you decided to go with that plan and went through with it, it worked like a charm

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you all went outside, seeing the boy's stomach covered in blood.

"holy shit, what happened to you?!" you gasped, kneeling down to him. he didn't say anything. the guy with glasses spoke:

"henry bowers got to him." ah yes, the infamous bowers and his goons, god you hated him.

"okay, i need names, i can't just point and speak to you." you sighed, bev nodded, folding her arms.

"ben hanscom." The injured one said.

"richie tozier, nice to meet you hotstuff." the four eyed person winked.

"stanley uris, or just stan for short." the noodle haired guy answered.

"eddie kaspbrak." the fanny pack guy said whilst aiding ben.

"b-b-b-bill denbrou-brough." it was the one that you stared at before, he had a stutter. honestly, you thought it was cute.

"okay, right, that's easier. my name is y/n l/n, nice to meet you," you smiled warmly. "and this is my best friend, beverly marsh." beverly waved shyly, you swore you could see ben blush a little.

what you didn't realise was that bill was staring at you the whole time with big heart eyes, saying nothing, until stan perked up:

"so, bill, got a crush on anyone?" he wiggled his eyebrows, hinting at the fact that bill already liked you in that way. bill glared at him.

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