•s.u ~> frustration.•

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Summary: Having feelings is hard. Having feelings for your best friend? Don't even get me started. Y/N has loved Stan since they were young, but he's been totally oblivious. Y/N's friends, Beverly, Bill and Richie, have a plan, to get the girl her man.

**Lowercase intended!**

Please don't steal my work ^^

cause we are living in a material world, and i am a material girl..

the radio played, richie wanted rock blaring, but you and bev disagreed for it being too.. loud. laying down on the ground, you ran a hand through your hair, sighing. bill was practising his tongue twister, cursing every time he stuttered.

"what's got you so stressed out?" beverly asked, tapping your forehead as she read a magazine. you huffed, sitting up and folding your arms.

"do you ever love someone so much-"

"oh here we go again, it's stan isn't it-" richie complained, but bill interrupted him, shushing him.

"okay, so, do you ever love someone so much, it frustrates you?" you looked at bev, she looked at the ground for a few seconds before answering.

"okay, so, do you ever love someone so much, it frustrates you?" you looked at bev, she looked at the ground for a few seconds before answering

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"yeah, i know how it feels." she said, moving a piece of hair behind her ear, richie nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"yeah, i've never experienced this before, so don't turn to me for advice." richie chuckles, making you and bev giggle. you turn back around, seeing stan pedalling down towards you.

"holy shit-"

"act natural y/n." richie whispered to you, making you straighten up. you slouched down almost immediately. you placed your hands onto your face, groaning. looking up you see a certain familiar face, smiling at you, stan.

"hi y/n." he beamed, you gave a kind of fake smile back, half fake half real. getting up, he hugs you, a wide smile appearing on your face as well as a blush spreading onto your cheeks.

"hey stan." you cheerfully replied, patting his back and pulling away from the hug. stan walked off to talk to beverly. bill walked next to your side, seeing your happy, cheerful smile turn to a depressing frown with one sigh.

"why can't he realise my feelings for him bill? why can't i just open up and tell him?.." you kick a stone from beneath your foot, bill wraps an arm around your shoulders.

"w-w-w-well, i-i'm pr-pr-pretty su-sure he l-likes y-y-you ba-back," he stuttered. "m-maybe h-h-he's sc-scared as w-well."

"but what if he doesn't bill? what if he doesn't at all-"

"yo, calm down y/n," richie chuckled, you glared at him which made him shut up. "hey, look, why don't we do a little something?"

"like what?" you question him, you find that you don't exactly trust what he's about to say. looking over at stan, you saw he was distracted, watching the birds as bev jogged over to you:

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