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Sam was awoken by a loud scream echoing through the corridors. He sighed and stood up and leaned against the wall next to the steel door. Sam stood listening to the screams then he heard that one scream. He could tell it was Colby. "I didn't hurt him!" Colby screamed in pain. 

Then the screams ceased. Silence filled the corridor once more. Sam layed down thinking. Why didn't Colby hurt him? He had the chance to hurt him so why didn't he. Sam's thoughts ran crazy just thinking of the brunette. 

Suddenly he heard a door slam and then whistling fading and footsteps get quieter. Sam was taking in the silence. Why isnt Colby making noise? Everything is completely silent. In the two days Sam has been in the facility the noise has never stopped, so why has it stopped now. 

His thoughts were cut off by the guard yelling for them to go to the activity room. As all the doors open Sam left and hurried to the room wanting to see Colby. He felt attached to the boy for some reason. He didn't feel scared of him since last night. He just needed to see if he was alright. 

Sam looked around the room and finally laid his eyes on Colby, he looked drained, he was pale. Sam walked over to him and sat next to him "you look sick" Sam said quietly causing Colby to look at him. 

"Well ive had one hell of a night. You see I was doused in water and electrocuted then I was injected with sedatives. One hell of a night" Colby lays his head against the wall seemingly in pain. The brunettes hands were shaking. Sam grabbed his hands gently into his hands and tried to warm them up. Colby stared at him confused.

"What are you doing?" Colby questioned. "Youre cold. I'm warming you up so you don't get sick." Sam replied nonchalantly.

Colby stared at him before pulling his hands away. "What are you truing to do? Are you trying to get close to me because it's not going to work. Sam licked his lips "I'm not scared of you Colby. I just think you are misunderstood. Lonely." Colby glared at him and leaned closer to him "you know nothing about me" Sam huffed and stood up before walking to the opposite side of the room.

Jake walked over to Sam "I saw you talking to him" Sam looked at Jake and smiled sadly "I find him interesting. I believe there's a lot more than there seems hiding inside his head." Jake nodded "I heard he killed a guard last night. Almost escaped before he was caught. Brought him to a chair and forced him to take a bunch of drugs." Jake licked his dry lips "every time I see him he looks... numb. Like there's nothing left. No light or hope left." Sam looked at Jake.

"He came to my room last night. After he killed the guard.. he brought up your name... how do you guys know each other?" Sam asked Jake quietly so no one could hear. Jake sighed "I watched when they brought him in. He was kicking and screaming... he was.. he was terrified. After about a week of him being here. He had moments where he would black out, he couldn't remember what happened. One day he blacked out, he killed two guards and injured 4 patients. He was sent to the dangerous mens ward and I never was able to talk to him since then. Actually you are the first person he has talked to in months." Sam stared at Colby and saw him ball his hand into a fist. "They drug him and that's the reason he is the way he is?" He looked over to see Jake nod his head.

"He was so full of light when he got here but the more he stayed... the more dead he looks..." Sam hummed softly and decided to walk over to Colby again and grab his fist softly "dont punch anything. It can't be good for your hand" Colby scoffed and tried to pull his hand away. "Let go of me" Sam let go of his fist and walked away.

Jake looked at Colby and saw him calm down after Sam went over. Jake swore he saw something in his eyes, maybe a flash of hope? Maybe.

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