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Colby sat next to Sam, softly grabbing his hand. Sam looked over at the boy, smiling slightly.

"Jake wanted me and him to have a day together..." Sam said quietly. Colby nodded his head, kissing the boy's hand.

Jake glared at Colby. Sam smiled before looking at Jake. 

"Let me change and we can go" Sam said smiling. He stood up and walked to the bedroom.

Colby leaned back on the couch. 

"I swear if he calls me crying again, I will fucking hurt you Colby." Jake said before standing up. The blue-haired boy stared at him. Sam walked out of the room, he had on a pair of skinny jeans and one of Colby's hoodies. Colby smiled softly, before looking at Jake and smirking. 

"Ready Sammy?" Jake asked, glancing at Colby. Sam nodded and smiled. He opened the house door before leaving with Jake. 

Sam looked around outside, a smile on his face. The two boys walked down to the beach.

"So what, does he always treat you like shit?" Jake said, kicking sand. Sam looked at the boy. 

"No he doesn't.. I love him and he loves me. He just needs help controlling his anger" Sam explained. Jake rolled his eyes. "Why are you acting like you hate him?" Sam asked, crossing his arms. He stopped walking. Jake looked at Sam.

"He treats you like shit and you call it love? I thought he loved you too at first. Then you kept calling me. And I realized that he doesn't. Sorry to break it to you, but you are dating a manipulative piece of shit." Jake said, his eyes never leaving Sam's. 

"He spared your life didn't he?" Sam asked quickly. "You are jumping to conclusions Jake." He added, crossing his arms.

"He has killed people, he fucking hurt you. People don't change." Jake said. Sam huffed, turning around to walk home. "No Sam don't leave.. im sorry.." Jake said quickly.

Sam sighed, turning towards Jake. 

"He can change." Sam said quietly. Jake nodded his head.

Sam continued walking, Jake following quietly. 

"Why did you actually want to come with Elton?" Sam asked softly. Jake looked at him.

"I wanted to see my best friend" Jake said, sitting down in the sand. Sam sat next to him, staring at the water. 

"That can't be the only reason" Sam replied. Jake looked over at Sam, biting his lip gently.

"There is another reason but it doesn't matter.. I have a question" Jake said turning to face the blonde. "If someone you love was dating someone else.. How would you feel?" He asked quietly. Sam turned towards Jake. 

"Why are you asking?" Sam asked. Jake looked at the ground. "I would probably be upset.. but I'd realize that it was time to move on" Sam continued, quietly. Jake looked up at Sam.

"What if you couldn't? If you couldn't move on.." Jake asked quietly, his eyes never leaving Sam's. 

Sam looked at Jake confused. "Why are you asking?" Sam asked. Jake licked his lips slightly. 

Jake quickly moved in, placing his lips against Sam's. The blonde gasped, pulling away.

"Jake.." Sam said, bringing his fingers to his lips. Jake quickly stood up, running back to the house. 

Sam sat on the beach, shocked. He quietly stood up, walking back to the house slowly. 

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