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"Mom?" Colby called out, walking down the hallway to his mothers room.

"Not know Cole" his mother answered through the door. Colby sighed, it was his 11th birthday. His mom has been fighting with his step father all day.

Colby sat on the couch quietly singing Happy Birthday to himself. Singing gave Colby a sense of comfort, it took his mind off everything.

He heard a bedroom door open, making him perk up. Suddenly his stepfather comes out. "You. You're the reason she wont put out." Colby whimpered slightly.

"I-im sorry sir..." Colby quietly spoke. He stood up, a glass lamp being thrown at him. Shattering against the wall, a piece coming back and cutting his cheek. Colby gasped and held his cheek. Nothing has ever been thrown at him before.

Colby ran out of the house quickly. Running to the apartment building Brennen lived in. He got to his apartment door, knocking softly.

Brennen opened the door, confused. Colby stood there, tears running down his face mixing with the blood from his cheek.

"What are you doing here?" Brennen quickly said. Colby wiped his eyes "i had no where else to go..." Brennen sighed. "You cant come here anymore.. Jake doesn't like you.." he shut the door in his face.

Colby let out a broken sob, running to the roof of the apartment building. He wiped his eyes sitting down. "Brennen doesn't want to be my friend anymore.." he mumbled quietly.

Colby heard the door to the roof open, he looked over seeing a man. "I saw you run up here. Wanted to make sure you weren't jumping" Colby eyed the man, standing up slowly.

"N-no.. im o-okay.." he eyed the man as he walked closer. "My names Michael" he held out his hand. Colby reached out and gently shook his hand before the man tightened his grip and pulled him close.

"Havent you ever learned not to talk to strangers" Michael said as Colby struggled to get out of his hands. The man grabbed Colbys ass harshly.

Colby gasped loudly before struggling more, shoving the man away from him. Michael tripping over the edge and falling off the building. Colby gasped collapsing to the ground with his hand over his mouth. He just killed someone.


Colby strolled through the hallways, thinking about the blood on his hands. He sighed, it was almost a year since he pushed the man. He bit his lip, he felt a rush of adrenaline when he did it.

Colby felt no regret for what he did. The man tried to hurt him. He sighed, he didnt want to go home. His stepfather was home.

"Hey kid the gym is off limits right now" Colby heard someone say. He looked over and saw a tall boy with light brown hair. The boy looked at him shocked.

"Did you get into a fight?" Colby said softly. "I thought you were dead" he heard the boy whisper. Colby turned towards him fully, he glared "you were driving the car?" Colby said.

Colby looked at the boy with anger. "Dont you feel guilty?!" Colby raised his voice. The boy nodded. "Yes i do. Im so sorry. I-i panicked" the boy answered. Colby smirked as a thought popped into his head. Sweet revenge. Colby grabbed a rope and threw it to the boy.

"End it." The boy looked at the rope before looking at Colby. "Are you fucking crazy?" The boy said picking up the rope. "Go fuck yourself kid." The boy threw the rope back before turning around and beginning to walk away. Colby ran to the boy, kicking the back of his knee making him fall.

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