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Sam sighed as he leaned against the cold wall. He smiled as he thoughts floated to Colby's lips. He would spend the rest of his life in solitary if it meant he could have Colby.

Sam looked up as he heard a door opening before getting slammed shut "Fuck you!" He heard someone yell. That voice belongs to the brunette that he loved.

"Colby? Is that you?" Sam quietly said through the door. He heard shuffling before he heard a voice back.
"Sam?" Sam smiled as he leaned his head against the door. "Yeah it's me" he replied.

Colby sighed knowing what was to come. He would go back in the chair and Sam will be sent back to his room. Colby wanted to punch something. He isn't a bad person. Colby laid down on the small mattress in the corner of the room and let out a small groan.

"You okay?" Sams soft voice rang through his ears. "Yes I am. You?" Colby replied sounding bored.
"Just a little bruised but ill be fine. Who was the visitor?" Sam said as he laid down on his mattress. "My mother." Sam bit his lip gently "oh" he replied softly.

Why was Colby being so... distant? Did I do something wrong? Sams thoughts ran wild. He sighed as he closed his eyes sleep soon consumed him.

Colby sighed as he heard the soft snoring coming from the room across from him. He doesn't want to leave Sam but he needs to. He can't have the questions. 
_____________TIME SKIP_______________

Sam awoke to the sound of his door opening. "Samuel the doctor would like to speak with you" He nodded at the guard who stood at the door before standing up. He followed the guard up to the office.

"I'll be right outside the door" the guard smiled gently. He must be new, ive never seen him before, Sam thought as he sat down in front of the desk. Soon the doctor walked in and sat down.

"So Sam I have a few questions to ask you." The doctor said as he looked up from his notes. Sam nodded his head before sitting up straight.
"What is your relationship with Cole Brock?" Sam cleared his throat.

"We are good friends, sir" the doctor wrote something down before looking back up at Sam. "Has he ever tried to hurt you or force you to do something you didn't want?" Sam shook his head quickly.

"No never. He isn't like that. He wouldn't hurt me. Never." Sam was starting to get irritated. The doctor nodded before looking down at his notes. Sam looked around the room as his eyes landed on the file cabinet in the corner of the room.
The doctor looked up and cleared his throat. "Just one more question for you." Sam nodded. "Has Colby told you what happened and why he is here?" Sam rolled his eyes.

"Yes sir he did." The doctor looked down at his notes before sighing. He walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a file. Colby's file.

"Read this. I'll be back in 30 minutes." He said as he locked the files back up before handing Sam the folder.

"Maybe it'll clear things up" the doctor said before walking out of the room. Sam sighed as he opened the folder.
As he opened it he saw pictures of Colby, then bodies. Bodies of guards and patients. It was enough to make Sam sick. Colby did that? Sam thought before turning the page. They're was articles about the bodies but one of them caught his eyes. The was an article about a kid. A 10 year old child. Sam read the passage about the kid.

"Bryden Parker, 10 years old.

Cause of death: Extreme Trauma to the Head

Bryden was sent to the children's ward at age 9. He was sent in for Dementia. 

Bryden's body was found in the Danger ward, outside of cell 56409. This cell belongs to Cole Brock. It is believed that Cole killed Bryden."

Sam gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh my god.." Sam turned the page and found Colby's interview.

"Doctor: May I ask your name?

Colby: my name is Cole Brock but I prefer to be called Colby.

Doctor: and why are you in here?

Colby: you're asking questions you already know the answers to.

Doctor: please answer my question

Colby: im in here because I like hurting people. I like the feeling of someone being so afraid of me and having their life in the palm of my hand. Oh and the feeling of their last breath. Its intoxicating.

Doctor: is that why you killed your father?

Colby: Step father. I killed him because he deserved it. He deserved every bit of pain I caused to him.

Doctor: no one deserved what you did to him. Mutilating a person is a horrible crime.

Colby: so is holding someone captive. But here we are."

Sam put his hand over his mouth and wiped his eyes, tears running down his face. "Colby lied to me.." he flipped the page in the folder seeing pictures of a mutilated body. Sam shot off the chair and immediately ran to the garbage throwing up the little amount of food he has had.

He heard the door open and saw the doctor come into the room. Sam wiped his mouth and sat down flipping the page and looking through his other interviews. "Why would he do that..? Why did he lie to me?" Sam looked at the doctor.

"Cole is a dangerous person. Look at his File." Sam nodded before flipping to the back of the folder. It was a piece of paper with his picture attached to it.

"Cole Brock, 15 years old. Prefers Colby.

ArrivedOctober 17, 2014

Diagnosis: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Psychopath

Cole Brock was sent in by trail. Guilty by Insanity. Cole is guilty of Murdering a total of 20 people and 11 people inside of the Asylum."
Sam looked up at the doctor "he killed 31 people.... in total..." the doctor nodded.

"Yes he has but since you have been brought in he has only killed one guard. Sam for some reason after 4 years of Colby being here, he is finally seeming to get better. I really believe that you are helping him" Sam looked at the doctor and shook his head.
"I'm sorry I cant be near him. I-I kissed him and... i didn't k-know he killed so many p-people... it makes me s-sick to think a-about" Sam shook his head "im sorry" the doctor sighed.
"Sam if you cut Colby out and shut him out. He will spiral and when he spirals there is no way to know how many people will get hurt. I can't have you shutting him out." The doctor handed the file back to Sam "I want you to keep this and look through it, that's the copy. Study it. I need you to help me with helping him. It's the quickest way I can get you both out of here." Sam nodded his head and hid the file before leaving the room.

The guard walked Sam to his cell before shutting the door. Sam sighed and looked around the room his eyes catching on the bed that was now placed in the room. He put the file in his pillowcase and laid down. "What am I getting myself into?" He sighed before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

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