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This chapter was highly requested so here you go 😊

Colby held Sam in his arms tightly, running his hand down his back.

"I put your clothes away for you" Colby whispered in the boys ear. Sam looked up at the brunette, pulling away from the hug. Sam took Colby's hand in his, gently pulling him to the bedroom.

"You were mean to me, so I get something in return?" Sam asked softly. Colby nodded, sitting on the bed.

"What would you like? I'll do anything." Colby replied. Sam hummed before moving to straddle the boys hips. Leaning into his ear, Sam whispered. "Take my virginity?" Colby leaned back, looking at the boy on top of him.

"Are you sure? I won't go easy on you" Colby said, placing his hands on the blondes hips. Sam blushed, nodding his head. Colby grabbed the boys face, bringing him into a lustful kiss.

Sam gasped quietly, returning the kiss. He felt himself being flipped onto his back, Colby on top of him. The taller moving his lips to the pale neck. Biting down softly, the blonde gasping as he gripped at the blue hair.

Colby smirked against his neck, littering dark hickey's across his neck. He pulled away before pulling the shirt off the boy under him. The blonde shudders at the cold air hitting his skin. Colby leans down capturing the boys lips. Sam moaned softly, the kiss was rough, lust filled. A ring filled hand makes its way to the blondes neck, gripping roughly.

Sam disconnects their lips, eyes closing as his breathing became more difficult. "Colby.." Sam moaned as the pressure left his neck. Colby smirked, loving the sounds leaving the soft lips.

"Feel good Sammy?" Colby asked, running his hand down the boy's side. The blondes pale skin, flushing pink as sweat gathered on his body. Sam never felt this feeling before, an aching in his pants. He nodded quickly, eyes opening to meet the dark ones above him.

Sam pulled the boy on top of him into a kiss, loving the way they feel against his own. The kiss becoming addictive. Colby pulled the smallers pants off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. The fabric wet of precum. Sam dug his nails into the tan shoulders of the man above him.

Colby pulled away from the boy, a smirk on his face as he slowly pulled the material off the blonde. Throwing them in a random direction. Sam's face grew red in embarrassment.

"You have such a pretty body baby" Colby said smirking, trailing his fingers down the boys thighs. Sam moaned softly. "P-please don't t-tease me" the blonde whimpered, his body hot. Colby pulled the boy closer, moving his head down to lick his thighs. Never breaking eye contact with the smaller.

Sam let out a high-pitched moan as Colby bit down on the skin. The taller dropped the boys legs, standing up as he pulled his pants off. Sam bit his lip, the bulge in the others boxers coming to his view.

"Turn around." Colby ordered, making the blonde move to his stomach. Colby ran his fingers along his back, smirking as he brought his hand down on the others ass. Sam moaned, gripping at the sheets as he buried his face into the pillow.

"I need to prep you baby. Suck on my fingers." Colby said bringing three fingers in front of the boy. Sam softly grabbed the hand, sticking the fingers in his mouth. His tongue running over him, getting them wet for his lover. Colby groaned, Sam's mouth was warm. Pulling his fingers away Colby leaned down, gently pushing one finger into the boy.

Sam gasped at the feeling, it was a weird sensation. "C-colby... another.." Sam moaned out. Colby smirked as he pushed a second finger in, moving them inside him. Sam gasped, biting down on his lip as he pushed his ass against the fingers.

"So responsive" Colby whispered in the boys ear, Sam moaned quietly. Colby pushed in the last finger, making the younger gasp. He gripped at the sheets tightly, the fingers hitting the spot that makes him go crazy.

"I'm ready.. Colby please im ready.." Sam moaned out, pushing against the fingers. Sam whined as he felt the fingers leave, an empty feeling filling him.

"Turn around. Now." Colby growled in the boys ear. Sam moaned softly, flipping around. Colby took his boxers off, eyes never leaving Sam's. He brought his hand up to the boy's mouth. "Spit. Keep your eyes on me." Sam nodded as he spit on the boy's hand, locking his gaze to Colby eyes.

Colby brings his hand down, slowly moving his hand to his member. He groaned as he moved his hand. Pulling his hand away he grabbed Sam's legs, spreading them as he moved between them.

"If you look away I'll stop." Colby said, lining himself up to the boys hole. Sam nodded bringing his hands to the boys shoulders. Colby pushed in roughly, making the blonde gasp and dig his nails into his shoulders. Colby groaned as the boy clenched around him.

"H-hurts" Sam breathed out. Colby nodding, not moving his hips. He gripped the boys waist tightly. Sam arched his back slightly, nodding his head. "M-move.." Sam moaned out. Colby smirked, pulling out to the tip before pushing back in roughly. Sam arched his back, moaning loudly as his nails scratched a the boys back.

Colby groaned, "damn baby. So tight." Sam bit his lip, trying to hold back his moans. His eyes never leaving the boy on top of him. "R-really big.." Sam whispered. Colby smirked before thrusting into the boy harder. Sam letting out a loud moan, "t-there... Colby fuck." Colby continues thrust harshly into that spot.

"Yeah that's the point baby" Colby moved one of his hands to the boys neck. Putting pressure. Sam's eyes rolled back, back arching as he scratched at the back on top of him hard.  Colby smirked as he released his neck. "Close.. so close.. harder please" Sam moaned out, his body being jolted with the thrusts he was receiving.

Colby moved his hand next to Sam's head, moving his hips faster. The bed slamming against the wall loudly. "S-shit Sam. Let go." Colby groaned. Sam arched his back, a high-pitched moan leaving his lips as he released  on his stomach.

"Fuck baby" Colby groaned, releasing inside of the boy under him. He pulled out, laying next to the blonde. Sam looked at Colby, breathing heavily. Colby looked at Sam, laughing slightly. Heavy breaths leaving the two boys.

"That.. was amazing" Sam said as he watched the other stand up, pulling sweatpants on. Colby grabbed a tissue, wiping the blonde clean.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked softly. Sam nodded, pulling Colby on top of him. Sam hugged him. Colby chuckled, pulling the boy closer to him.

"I love you" Colby whispered into the others ear.

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