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Sam sighs as he stares at Colby. "Listen up patients! The doctor is coming back tomorrow! You will all see him one by one!" The guard yells.

Sam looks at Jake "the doctor?" Sam raises his eyebrow. Jake nodded "yeah he usually is always here but he went on a vacation. He knows the back story of everyone. Knows why everyone is here, the "sickness" they have. You know all that stuff. If you want information on Colby, that's where it would be" Sam looks at Colby and hums before the guard yells again. "Back to your rooms patients!" Sam walked out with Jake following then Colby. Suddenly Colby grabs Jake's arm and pulls him into a corner.

"What the hell are you telling Sam" Jake looks at Colby "im sorry I don't understand?" Colby hit the wall beside Jake's head "tell me what the hell you have been telling Sam. I see you both staring at me and talking all the time. Now. Talk." Jake gulps and nods. 

"I t-told him your name... I told him about how w-we met... I told him about the doctor... that's it.. I promise" Colby let's go of Jake "go" Jake nods quickly and runs away. Colby sighs truth is, Colby didn't want anyone. He hated hurting people, it makes him sick to his stomach when he blacks out just to be told he killed someone. He wasnt a murderer. He wasnt crazy. 

Colby went into his dark and dreary room. He looked around and leaned against the wall. A bed and a small table was all that was in that room. The doctor thinks Colby needs help. Thinks he is crazy. 

For the other side of the ward Sam was pacing around the room think of how he is going to sneak into his office. He sighed and layed down, gently falling asleep. Only to be awoken by the guard yelling a couple of hours later. Sam stood up and went to the activity room. He looked around before seeing Colby walk in. Then he looked around not seeing Jake anywhere. 

"Wheres Jake at?" Sam asked the guard politely. "Maybe the Morgue maybe in therapy. Who knows" the guard chuckles. Sam feels a hand grab his arm and pulls him back, he looks up to see Colby standing in front of him facing the guards. "Leave him alone asshole." Colby said before pulling Sam away. "Why did you do that" Sam pulled his arm away.

"I felt like being nice. Jake is in solitary. He I guess you could say... went off the rails last night." Colby said while leaning against the barred window. Sam groaned "of course the one person who actually likes me here." Colby looked at Sam shocked "what? I like you" Sam laughed.

"Yeah sure. No you hate me. You told me to leave you alone." Colby looked down before turning around and leaning his head against the wall. "I guess I did say that. Not that I remember but I guess I did." Sam looked at Colby confused "you can't remember saying that?" Colby sighed and shook his head.

"But im a bad person so what does it matter" Colby wiped his eyes gently. Is he crying? Sam thought. Before he knew it he hugged Colby tightly. Colby looked down at him shocked "what are you doing?" Sam looks up at him "I don't think you're a bad person.. i think people don't give you a chance" Sam smiled at him before walking away, waving. What just happened? Why is Colby feeling the way he is right now? That smile...

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