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"Colby, honey can you come downstairs for a minute?" My mom yelled. I got up and ran down the stairs to see my mom in the kitchen. "Yes, mom?" She smiled at me. "Honey your dad is coming home today and I was hoping you can help me clean the house so he wont get angry when he gets home." I nodded. "I can do that. I'll start in the living room?" She smiled "yes please. Thank you sweetie. You are the best son i could ever ask for" I smiled and went to the livingroom.

You see my dad left the house for a couple of weeks for his job. I always help my mom around the house when I can. I love my mom, she's my entire life. If I lost her id probably be broken. I don't have very much friends. Except my best friend Brennen. I met him in middle school. He's the only person I can trust besides my mom. When I was born my mom said I was the sweetest thing she's ever seen.

I try my best to make everyone in a good mood. When others are happy it makes me happy. Once I finish the living room, I clean the bathroom then go upstairs to clean my room. Eventually I get done and I go downstairs to see my mom cooking dinner. She looks happy, I smile. "Mom im done cleaning. I cleaned the livingroom, the bathroom and my bedroom" she looks at me and smiles "thank you so much honey." I hug her and start to help her cook dinner.

Soon my father walks into the door. While I love my mom, I hate the way she tolerates him. He is always yelling at her, at me as well. He only hit me a few times but he says I ruined his life. But I deal with him for my mom. "How was the trip love" my mom smiles while taking his coat off him. "Get me a glass of whiskey Cole." I nod and get him a glass "ice or no ice?" I ask as I set the glass on the counter "no ice." He gruffs. I poor the dark liquid and bring it to him as he sits down.

"Whats for dinner?" She smiles and checks the oven. "Meat loaf love." He chugs the glass before throwing it at her. "I told you I didn't like meat loaf woman." She nods her head and takes it out of the oven "im sorry ill cook something else." Something inside me snaps "don't yell at her!" I scream at him while causes him to turn towards me and punches me. I fall to the ground but quickly pick myself up and I punch him. He gets down on the floor and I keep punching him. I can't stop.

"Cole Robert Brock! Knock it off right now!" I looked at her and stopped "im sorry mom" I looked down as she grabbed the phone and called someone. About 20 minutes later I hear a knock on the door. My mom answers it and I see two men come into the door in white suits. "I'm sorry Colby.." my mom says crying "what.. whats going on mom.. please.." they grab my arms and drag me outside. I was kicking and screaming. The threw me in the back of a van and drive to this huge building. It looked scary. The grabbed me and dragged me inside, I screamed and cried. I was kicking trying to escape as they dragged me into a dark room. There was nothing but a pillow on the ground and a small table in the corner. "Mom where did you send me" I sat against the wall on the ground and cried into my knees. I go through the memories in my head my mom would always tell me "Chin up and Smile son!" I smiled as I repeated it softly.

I will mom. I will keep my chin up and smile.


Colby sighed and sat up as the door opened "Activity room Patients!" A guard yelled. Colby walks into the room and leans against the wall.

Soon Sam walks into the room and Jake behind him. They were talking. Sam looks at Colby and walks over to him "hi" he said softly. Colby looks at him confused 'remember Colby chin up and smile' he clears his throat "hi" Sam looks at Colby and smiles.

"I didn't think you would talk to me after last night" Colby shrugs and looks away from Sam. "Look I want to be your friend here." Sam says getting frustrated. Colby scoffs "why. Cuz your little boyfriend over there told you about me. You don't know shit about me and neither does he" Colby grabs Sam arms and slams him against the wall "Leave. Me. Alone." Colby then smiles and walks away leaving Sam shocked.

Jake walks over to Sam as sees he is shaking "hey are you okay?" He glares over at where Colby is. Sam nods "y-yeah... he smiled at me..." Jake looked at Sam shocked.

"Colby Brock smiled at you" Sam nodded "that's probably not good Sam" Jake gulps. Sam looks towards Colby and stares. Now he's even more interested. What is it about Colby that makes him so... Alluring? 

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