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Jake sighed as he leaned against the lockers. He hated school. Jake had no friends, he was bullied constantly. He had a huge crush on a girl from his class.

She was extremely attractive, she was shorter than him and had purple hair. She was way out of his league. She hung out with the popular girls. Her name was Tara. Jake saw her as the most perfect girl he has ever seen.

He watched her as she grabbed her stuff from her locker. He sighed as the bell rang, he couldnt wait until High school. He only had a few months left.

As Jake walked to class he accidentally bumped into someone. His eyes widened as he bent down to pick up her things. Tara. He bumped into Tara.

"Im sorry, i should've watched where i was going. Heres your stuff back. Im so sorry" Jake said looking anywhere but at her.

"Its okay Jake. Im sorry to hear about what happened with your brother." Tara said smiling. Jake looked up at her before nodding slightly.

"Thank you..." Jake walked away quickly and went into the mens bathroom. He quickly ran into a stall as tears spilled from his eyes. He could barely breathe.

Jake collapsed onto the floor, hitting his head as he fell. The pain washed over him as he gasped for his breath. His memories of his brother going through his mind. He lost apart of himself that day. He remembers that whole day feeling like something bad was going to happen.

He remembers coming home and running upstairs looking for his brother. He went downstairs.

"Mom? Where is Neil?" Jake said as he walked into the kitchen. He saw his mom leaning over the sink before she turned around. "Hes gone." Jake looked at his mother confused.

Jake remembered as his mother told him his brother was murdered. His brother was the only person he had.

Jake felt himself being pick up from the floor, a voice telling him to breathe. So he did. Once his breathing calm he looked up seeing a boy about a year older than him. He was a brunette, his eyes were very blue. The boy smiled at him.

"Are you okay?" Jake nodded his head. "Y-yeah im fine now.. thank you.. my name is Jake" the boy smiled at Jake.

"My name is Colby. Why dont you go home? You seem nice." Jake nodded confused but grabbed his stuff and ran out the door to the school. Suddenly he heard a gun shot. Jake ran home as fast as his feet would carry him.

As he walked in the door, he saw his mom talking to a man in white. "Jake why are you home so soon?" Jake looked at the man.

"I-i had a panic attack... um mom at the school-" Jake was cut off by his mom. "Youre leaving Jake. Im sending you away. And i dont want to see you again." Jakes breath got caught in his throat.

"W-what are you talking about?" He felt his arm being grabbed and he was dragged out of the house. He was kicking and screaming for the man to let him go. He didnt do anything wrong.

"Im sorry Jake. I cant look at you without seeing Neil." Jake had tears running down his face. Shes sending him away because of his brothers death.

----------END OF FLASHBACK-----------

Jake sighed as he leaned his head against the wall. He wished he could remember why he was sent here. But they drugged him up so badly that he couldnt remember. He wants to remember.

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