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Hopping off the Plane, Ash Ketchum Raced his two Partners, The Yellow Ball of Electricity Pikachu, and the Frog Ninja Greninja, Proud of their Achievement in Kalos, they were giddy, Racing was to release them of their High.

Soon reaching their Location Ash ended up last "You know, I wonder why I even challenged you Guys to a Race" Ash Chuckled out at the two, his two Partners chuckled as well.

"Well we're home now so let's go in; I'm sure Mom would love to see us; I hope she cooked some Lunch for us!" Ash said as he turned the doorknob slightly, creating a small Crack between the door and doorway, he stopped when suddenly he heard voices, 

"May No! Why would I do that to Ash?! I look Up to Him! He's my Idol!" Ash familiarized the voice as Max, he then heard a loud thud, Probably someone angrily stomping their feet "Stop looking up to that worthless idiot Max! Look at him! He just lost another league! How many leagues has he lost now?! 5?!6?!, look how pathetic he is Max!!" The owner of a new voice; May said loudly

"Max, just listen to your Sister okay? Once we tell ash to Give up on his dream He'll stay with me and completely stop leaving the house to attend to those stupid tournaments", He heard the voice of a Mature woman.

'...Mom?' Ash Mentally dreaded, a pang of pain shot his heart "Mrs. Ketchum! Why would you do that to your son?! You know how important this is to Him!" Max exclaimed "Max Just leave it be, just follow with the plan and everything will be okay, he'll see it too, he knows he's weak, and he'll agree with us" Ash heard a new voice say. 

'Even.. Misty?' Ash thought with tears threatening to fall from his eyes, "Guys Max is right, maybe we really shouldn't do this, this is his dream, we have no say in this" Brock stated, "We're doing this! It's too late to back down now" The familiar voice of Iris retorted as Ash heard a certain Pokémon wince sadly "Axew..."

Ash Grit his teeth in anger, Pikachu's cheeks sparked with electricity, as Greninja tried not to break down the door and tell them they're wrong, As Ash trembled with anger, a Blue hue surrounding his figure, slamming the door wide open.

 "Ash!" Max exclaimed "What the actual Arceus Guys!? I thought we were supposed to be friends!!!" Ash growled Furiously.

The Bluenette, Dawn, stood up and talked "We are your friends! We're only doing what's best for you!" She stated.

"Making me give up my dream!? That's not what friends do Dawn!!" I said "Ash please! We're doing this for your own good!" Delia Said.

Ash growled "I Hate all of you! You dare betray me?! After all I've done for you?!" Ash exclaimed unconsciously emitting a dark aura, This made the people in the room Cower in fear. 

"Max, Brock, we're leaving" Ash said "No! Max you stay here! You agree with us don't you?!" May said holding his brothers hand "I don't agree with you may! I thought you cared for ash! Why are you doing then?!" Max exclaimed.

"I do care for him! I'm doing this for his own good!" May exclaimed, Panic evident in her voice, Brock snatched max out of May's hands "If you want me gone, then I'll be gone, I'm taking my real friends With me" Ash coldly recited.

"Greninja Use Water pulse, Pikachu use Electro Ball!" Ash exclaimed, Greninja and Pikachu threw the attack on the ground making a small explosion, just to mask their escape, They ran to Professor oaks lab, they were let inside by Gary. 

"Ash my Boy! Congratulations on getting 2nd Place! You've really improved!" Professor oak cheered happily "T-thanks Professor Oak.." Ash thanked looking down sadly "What's wrong Ashy boy? Why so down? Shouldn't you be happy?" Gary asked,

Brock sighed and told them everything, Gary's frustration bubbled up, making him slam his cup of coffee on the Table "WHAT?!" Gary exclaimed obviously really Upset.

"Why would they do that to you? Even Delia? I'm very disappointed" Prof. Oak said looking at the heart broken boy "We can't stay here professor oak.. we have to leave.. I need all of my Pokémon" Ash said sadly.

"If that's the case then here" Prof. Oak said as he gave the three of them a weird looking pokedex "This is an ultra dex, a pokedex superior to any pokedex, it works in any region, and could let you hold up an infinite amount of Pokémon, you can also contact those who have these as well, at the moment only 5 of these Exist!, but I'm planning to produce more" Prof. Oak explained.

"T-this is great professor! Thank you.." Ash thanked as his name was then registered there, and all of his Pokémon popped up "Ash, let me come with you" Gary said seriously "But Gary-" Ash was cut off with Gary saying "I'm coming no matter what, you are my friend" Gary said.

Ash smiled softly "Alright then" ash said as professor oak gave Gary an ultra dex too "Where will you 4 go?" Prof. Oak asked "I'm really not sure.." Ash admitted "Well, Are you looking to train?" Gary Asked turning to the Black haired individual, Ash Perked up at the sound of that and nodded.

"Why not Mt. Silver?" Brock requested "I mean, If you're looking to train, the harsh weather conditions there can be helpful" Brock said and Gary hummed in agreement, "I'll gather supplies, then we can leave, I'll be stripping you off of Materials Gramps" Gary Greedily stated.

"Grab everything you need" Prof.Oak Generously offered, Going around the Lab and snatching everything the Boy's could take, Gary did the same as he raced around the Lab. 

Ash looked at Pikachu, Pikachu nuzzled him "Chaaa~" Pikachu said in a sweet comforting tone "Thanks buddy" Ash thanked with a pained smile.

Max and Brock called their family and got their stuff delivered, after telling them what happened they made sure to keep it a secret, after all of that, they set off "Mt. Silver.." Ash repeated as he looked ahead.

"I'll come back and return the favor friends, just you wait"

Last Updated (03/17/21) {mm/dd/yy}

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