Chapter 38

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Serena's POV
I woke up with a soft yawn and gently sat up 'I'm.. in my room?' I thought confusedly "Where..did I fall asleep last night?" I asked no one in particular "Ash brought you in last night, you fell asleep at the walk back" Clemont answered coming In suddenly "A-Ash brought me...?" I asked flustered "Yeah, he was carrying you Bridal style and you were just Clinging into him so comfortably" Clemont chuckled, this made me blush more "Anyways, just wanted to tell you that breakfast is Ready, And maybe you should check out the window," Clemont said with a slight smirk, I stood up confused and went to my window, I opened the Curtain and saw Ash training... with his shirt off, this made me blush madly and quickly closed the curtains, sliding down the wall flusteredly, I quickly got on my feet and got ready, I got dressed in a pair of Jeans and a white turtle neck shirt, I then joined Clemont, Bonnie, and Korrina for Breakfast, Suddenly a Knock was heard coming from the door, Clemont stood up to answer it, we continued eating but we heard a familiar voice "Clemont, Is Serena awake yet?" Gary asked "S-she is" Clemont stuttered, we were confused, Clemont doesn't usually stutter around people he knows "B-but are those... Jessie, James, and Meowth with you..?" Clemont asked, this shocked us and we quickly checked it out "Clemont?" Korrina asked "O-oh Korrina" Clemont Stuttered "Morning Korrina, Bonnie, And Serena, just the person I needed," Gary said, "Can we come in?" He asked, Clemont was forced to let them in, he can't say no to Gary, Gary stepped in with three familiar faces "Jessie?! James?! Meowth?!" I exclaimed surprised "It's the Twer-" Jessie slapped Meowth "Yeah It's us, nice to finally talk to you like this Serena" Jessie said politely, I stared at her Dumbfounded speechless "Jessie, James, And Meowth asked Help from Ash back then, of course after what they did back then Ash didn't want to help them, but Jessie gave us an offer we couldn't deny, and so we said we'd help them once they're out of Team Rocket" Gary explained "They don't plan on stealing any of our Pokemon so don't worry" Gary Added "They.. won't?" Bonnie asked "we don't plan on it" Jessie said "why did you need me though?" I asked "I need you to kind of change up their styles, a lot of people know them and it'd be nice if they looked a bit... less like they're the team rocket that would be here everyday" Gary said "So.. a Makeover?" I said as my eyes Sparkled "Yeah" Gary said, I Then quickly pulled Jessie and James in my room

Ash's POV

I Panted as I stood there and stared at Bulbasaur, I then looked down at my wrists, "Gary did warn me" I said with a chuckle as I then sighed "Bulbasaur, you go Join Snivy and Oshawott" I said, he nodded and joined their battle, I then went inside and went to Nurse Joy "Hey Nurse Joy, can I have some Bandages?" I asked, she nodded and quickly got me some Bandages "What happened to you?" She asked as she handed me the Bandages "Training" I said as i received the bandages "That's some Harsh Training" She said As she looked over the desk to check my wrists "They don't look deep, but make sure to disinfect it with some water" Nurse Joy advised, i nodded "alright I will, I'll go do that now" I said and went upstairs into our Room, there i saw Max eating "morning Max" I greeted "Morning Ash" max Greeted "Is Brock not Up yet?" I asked "He is, he's just cleaning up" Max said "Alright then" I said and headed to my room's Bathroom, cleaning my wrists and wrapping them up, I then left the bathroom to see Dad "Oh hey Dad" I said "Hey Ash, looks like you just finished training" He said "I did" I said and got a shirt, putting it on "The Opponents are out i heard" dad said "they are? sweet!" Max said hurrying to finish his food "Angela is with Yellow right now, they're downstairs with Nurse Joy" Dad said "Alright then" I said "But I have to see Serena first" I said, I was about to leave the room but Dad stopped me and put a Jacket on me, it was long enough to hide the bandages on my wrists "It may be training, but I'm sure She'll be worried" He said, i smiled "Thanks" i said and proceeded to go to the Other Room, I knocked on the door, Bonnie answered "Hi Ash!" She greeted "Hi Bonnie, Is Serena awake yet?" I Asked "Yup! she's just tending to some people" she said "some People?" I asked and then thought 'Must be Jessie and James'  "Well I'll go and see her anyways" I said "Alrighty!" Bonnie said and let me in, I went to Serena's room and Knocked on the door "come in!" Serena called, I then opened the door There I saw Serena cutting Jessie's hair "Morning" I said "Morning to you too" Serena said though focusing on making Jessie's hair cut straight "That's shocking, I thought you loved your hair like that Jessie" I said "It's time for a change" She said, I looked over at James who was staring in the mirror, his hair was tied back well the top half, apparently Serena gave him an Undercut on the back "Looks good James" i said "T-Thanks" he said, I watched Serena give Jess a Black headband that brought her hair back "Does it look Good?" Serena asked Jessie, she looked in the mirror and smiled "it's Great" Jessie said, this made Serena smile widely "I'm Glad you like them!" Serena said as she started cleaning up the room "you guys look like you can be parents" I said bluntly, this made them blush madly, I laughed

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