He meets your family

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Niall Imagines:

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Niall meets your parents:

~Your Pov~

Driving down the street to my old home brings back tons of memories. "Come on Ni don't be nervous." I look over to him as he straightens out his shirt in the mirror.

He sighs and puts his hands back on his lap. "What if they don't approve of me?"

I reach over and gran his hand and squeeze it. "They will Niall. Stop being so nervous we've been together for over 2 years. I'm happy and once they see that I'm happy, they're happy."

He blushes and bites his lip smiling. "I hope so."

"We'll were here." I say pulling into my family's driveway. Technically it's a family reunion kind of thing. Tons of family is getting together so I thought it was the perfect time to introduce them to Niall.

I park the car on the driveway then take out my keys. "Come on babe. They'll love you." I reassure him as I pull at the door handle to step out.

"how do you know that for sure?" He asks getting out of the car. "Because I love you." I say as he walks around the car. He takes my hand then pecks my lips really quick.

"I have to warn you though. If my mom tries to show you anything embarrassing I'll come to the rescue." I chuckle and lead him up the stony pathway to the door.

"Aww but I wanna see baby pictures of you in the tub." He says pinching my cheek. I take his hand away and blush. I step up to the door and ring the doorbell. I step back to Niall and re take his hand.

"Don't worry." I peck his cheek right before the door flies open.

"Y/N!!!" My mom squeals holding her arms out. "Hi mom!" I say before giving her a hug. She squeezes me then let's go and looks at Niall.

"And you must be Niall." She smiles warmly holding her hand out to him. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N." He smiles then re takes my hand.

"Well come on in guys!" My mom
holds the door open more for us to get in. I lead Niall in and instantly my little sister and brother come barreling towards us.

"Hi guys!" I bend down and hold my arms out to them. They run into my arms giggling.

"Sissy!!" My little brother Michael screams throwing his arms around my neck. "Hi Buddy!" I smile and kiss his cheek. "I missed you guys." I squeeze them once more before letting go and standing up. My brother and sister (Michael and Lilly) are 4 year old twins.

"Is dat your boyfriend?" Lilly asks pointing to Niall. "He is." I smile at him and squeeze his hand.

"Hi guys. What's your names?" Niall asks bending down to them. "I'm Lilly." Lilly says pointing to herself.
"And I Michael." Michael points to himself and smiles.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Niall." Niall smiles. "He cute." Lilly says looking up at me. I laugh and bend back down. "Yea he is Lilly." I ruffle her hair and smile. Niall practically beams at me.

"Cupcake!" My dad walks in holding his arms out. "Hi dad!" I run to him and give him a hug.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" He smiles and kisses the top of my head. "I'm glad to be here. And this is Niall." I say gesturing Niall. Niall stands up and walks over. He smiles and holds out his hand. "Nice to meet you sir." Niall says.

"You too." My dad smiles then shoves his hands in his pockets. "Well more family should be coming soon so before they arrive let's get you two settled in your rooms." My dad says looking at us.

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