A Drunk Mistake

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Niall Imagines:

Ok these aren't my favorite but I had to do at least one so.... Yeah. Also I thought the photo to the side is just perfect... Not really I had no other... Oh wellll enjoyyyyyyyy

Your Pov-

Plop. Plop. Plop goes the rain. Every drop is another tear. My tear stained face stares out the window into the foggy evening. My shirt hangs slightly off my shoulder as my fingers clutch onto my coffee mug. I take a sip of the warm coffee and try to forget.

Forget about everything. About... Him.

He's not going to come back and try to win me over again. He messed up this time, for real. He came home a bit drunk. But this was a Niall I have ever seen. He was actually angry. So angry that it all boiled up inside him causing him to slap me and punch a hole in my wall. That hole is all I have left of him, along with the empty hole he left in my heart.

He did try to call. So did his "mates." But I don't want to talk to anyone. He left a total of 342 voicemails on my phone. Each one different.

But I can't respond. I just can't. My inner state is deteriorating more and more. He claims to not remember anything that happened last night. I don't know what to do anymore.

I still love him. A lot. I want to reply to him and talk to him but I am hurting so bad. Those things he said while drunk really scared me. I don't think I could handle it if it happens again.

So now, I sit alone. I keep promising to myself that I will pick up the phone the next time it rings. Maybe I can this time. Maybe I can't...

After 2 hours of staring out my window and my phone going off over 50 times, It rings one last time. I turn my head to my phone and see the caller I.d. Liam.

Shakily I grasp my phone in my hand and hit the talk button. "H-hello?" I choke out. I swallow hard and wait for a response.

Finally I hear Liam's voice chime in. "Hi Y/N. How you feeling?" He asks sympathetically. "Miserable." I groan and sip my coffee. He sighs while I hear some slight shuffling in the background.

I hear Liam cough then sniffle. "He's broken Y/N. I am getting worried for him. You're the only thing that can save him." He let's out a shaky voice. "A-are you crying Liam?" I ask holding back more tears. It's overwhelming really.

I hear Liam sniffle again then speak. "I'll admit it, I am. I'm crying because this Niall, is not the same. He hasn't eaten anything today. He has been sitting up in the same position in his bed. He doesn't respond to anything or anyone."

I let out a slight sob showing weakness. I'm a weak person now. You can't live without a heart.

"C-could I come over? I've been staring out my window for hours watching the rain pour down." I slightly chuckle and swat my hair out of my face.

"That would be perfect! Just come over and talk to us first so you can you know.. Get comfortable before talking to him. If you want to." Liam says sounding more upbeat like the normal Liam. I wipe my eye and nod even though he can't see me.

"Be over in 10. Don't tell him I'm coming." I say before hanging up.

Then I'm off looking like I am. Baggy sweatpants with a tank top on and a messy bun in my hair. How attractive.....

Once I make it to the house I text Liam to let him know I'm at the door so Niall doesn't hear the doorbell ring. Liam opens the door for me and gladly let's me in. His eyes widen when he see's my puffy eyes and red nose from using so many tissues.

"Thank you for coming." He says closing the door behind me. I nod and go sit down on the couch. He walks over and sits next to me on the couch. "Now, how are you doing?" He asks setting a hand on my leg. I shrug and wipe my eye. "How does it look like I'm doing?" I chuckle and lean my head back and groan a bit.

"I know it's hard. But Niall was drunk and he didn't know what he was doing. Honest." He says putting his hands up in defense. "I know that. I'm just so shocked it happened. And i'm scared it will happen again." I say raising a hand to my sore cheek.

Liam looks at my cheek and cringes. "That doesn't look good.." He says scrunching his nose. "Gee thanks." I groan rubbing my cheek. It's already bruising which will look absolutely lovely.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. "Please go talk to him. I won't make you but I highly recommend you speak to him. I've never seen him this way." He bites his lip down in hopes I will go.

I wipe my eye and nod sniffling. "I'll go." I breath out. He gives me a hug then whispers in my ear. "He really loves you." I smile and nod.

"I shouldn't be mad at him but, it happened. My fears happened and now I have to face them." I say getting up. He stands up and pats my back. "Go get him champ." He smiles. I smile back and head up the stairs to his room.

I stop at his door and take a breath. I knock ever so quietly on his door. No answer. I go to the stairwell and look down at Liam. He motions with his hands for me to just go in. I nod and go up to the door. I slowly twist the handle and peek in with one eye.

He's under all of his covers facing the opposite window. "Go away Liam." He murmurs from under his covers. I step in and close the door behind me. He sits up and groans. "I said go awa-" he sees me. "Oh my god." He says getting out of the bed. I back up to the wall hoping he's not angry.

"Hi." I say walking towards him. He pushes the covers off of him and rolls over to the closer side of the bed to me. "How've you been?" I ask biting my lip to hold back tears.

Nothing can match that saddened look in his eyes. He looks totally destroyed. "I-I'm good." He says wiping his eyes. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.

"H-how are you?" He stutters scooting closer to me. "Fine." I shrug and look down to my lap.

"Your cheek." He says lifting my chin up with his hand. I push his hand away and look away. "I am so sorry Y/N. I don't even know what happened. Liam explained the whole thing to me when I woke up this morning with a terrible hangover." He says putting a hand on my shoulder. I jump slightly at the feeling of his touch. "Sorry." He says taking his hand away.

"It's fine." I say looking back to him. He runs a hand through his messed up hair. He looks back to me with weary eyes. "I am so so so sorry. I would never do that to you. I'll never drink again I swear. I'll do anything to keep you safe. That's if you still want me though." He sighs rubbing his neck.

I slowly place a shaky hand on his. I look up in his eyes and start. "Niall... You need to know that I understand that it wasn't your fault. That doesn't mean you quit drinking forever because you got drunk once." I say. He nods and puts his other hand on top of mine.

"I still love you Ni. And I always will. I'm just having trouble with facing the fact that that could happen again." I sniffle then wipe my eye.

He looks deep in my eyes. "You're my world. And it hurts me to see that you have this bruise on your face and I'm the one who caused it. It is all my fault for being stupid and even when drunk not realizing what I was doing. I love you and would never ever hurt you." He says with as much compassion as possible. I let a tear roll down my cheek. Niall wipes the tear away and smiles.

"Please, take me back?" He asks biting his lip. I laugh and intertwine our fingers. "Who says we ever were apart?" I ask smiling. He smiles back then leans in pressing our foreheads together.

"Please don't ever leave me?" He asks with begging eyes. "Wouldn't even consider it." I say before closing the space between us.

A/N okay okay this was okay. I think :/ it was fine idk lol. IF YOU WANT A REQUEST COMMENT PLEASE!! Tell me your name and if you want the storyline or just a base idea like for example: Niall gets jealous of an old friend

Something like that lol. So comment vote and if you wanna follow me go ahead :))) you can also just message me if you don't want "the public" seeing what your request is. But until next time, see ya crazy mofos! HA IM BRINGING IT BACK BASIC B*TCHES!!!! Nah jk okay BYEE -Meghan

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