New Years

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Niall Imagines:

Heyyyyy How was everyone's Christmas?!? Mine was pretty good :) I got lots of one direction stuff and even on accident a 2014 1D calendar hehe. But it's not about presents or money, it's about family and love. And if you're religious then it has it's other reasons. But I hope you had a good holiday Oh and Happy New Years :) Usually in fanfics I put Danielle in it instead of Sofia but since I've taken a liking Sofia I'm gonna put her in this. Even though I still miss Danielle so much. But Sofia seems really nice and a lot of people need to start to be more open to change. So I hope you like it -Meghan

(p.s this is really bad I was rushing since today is New Year's Eve)

Your Pov-

Today Is New Year's Eve 2014. I'm so excited for today especially since the guys are coming over to me and Niall's place to watch the ball drop. We've done it together for the last 3 years and each year it gets more and more exciting.

"Babe can you take this?" Niall asks from the top of the ladder. He holds out a roll of tape from which he was hanging a happy New Years banner up. "Of course." I say before he tosses the roll down to me. "Thank you." He says putting his two hands back on the banner. I smile and toss the roll onto a side table.

Once he's done he hops down then closes the ladder. "This year has gone by too fast." He walks over to me then wraps his arms around my waist. "I know. Seems like yesterday we were celebrating 2014." I say looking up to his deep blue eyes. He chuckles and presses his lips to my forehead. Just as we're leaning in to kiss, the doorbell rings.

"I got it." I hurry over to the door and open it. "Hey!" Harry, Louie, Zayn, Liam, Perrie, Eleanor, and Sofia say in sync. "Hi guys!" I hold my arms out then give them each a hug

"Good to see you guys." Niall says coming to the door. "You too." A few of them say walking in. I smile big at Niall then close the door behind them.

They all scatter in the kitchen and living room like usual. I plop myself on the love seat next to Niall. He kisses my cheek then puts an arm around me. "So guys how much longer until I can be called Aunt Sofia?" Sofia asks us. I chuckle and probably turn beat red.

"Ask Zayn and Perrie they're the ones engaged." I say pointing to them kissing on the couch across from us. Niall chuckles and kisses the side of my head. "Someday. Someday." He repeats looking over to the tv.

"4 more hours until 2015." Liam says walking in and sitting next to Sofia. "Yeah but who's gonna kiss Harry?" Louie asks walking in with Eleanor. Harry makes a face then crosses his arms. "I'll get a girl someday." He sticks his tongue out at Louie then holds a grudge. "Y/N you got an older sister?" Harry asks wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"No I have a younger one though." I say winking at Niall. He covers his mouth and laughs. "Is she hot?" Harry asks as his face lights up. "The hottest." I say holding back laughter.

"Got a picture?" He asks walking over to me. I nod and take my phone out. I pull up a picture of Me, Niall, and my baby sister. "She's single." I say showing him the picture.
Harry frowns then walks away. We all throw our heads back and laugh.

"Come on let's get some food set out." Eleanor walks over to me and takes my hand helping me up. I take her to the kitchen then set up a lot of food.

We've got humas which isn't my favorite. We have wings with celery and carrots, chips, buffalo tip & tortilla chips, and Niall's favorite, Nando's fried chicken. "Food." Eleanor announces walking in the living room with trays of food. Niall practically jumps over the couch and runs to is before we get a chance to set it down the food.

"Easy boy let me set it down first." I say walking to the coffee table. Once it's set down he barrels to the food and stuffs his mouth. "Keep that up and no New Years kiss." I say patting his head before sitting down.

"I'll brush before it." He says with his mouth full. I laugh then kick my legs up.

The night goes smoothly and fastly. Sure enough it's almost midnight. We all gather in front of the giant tv as Dick Clark's rockin New Year's Eve special goes on. And then it's time for the ball to drop.

"Ok everyone sparkling grape juice glasses up." Harry says putting his champagne glass up. We raise our glasses as the countdown goes on.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1!!!!" We all cheer and sip out juice. Then we set them down and it's time for a New Years kiss. Niall puts his arms around me then puts his lips on mine. We all kiss except Harry who pretends to kiss himself.

Once we all pull apart we hug and watch the fireworks on the tv. Gotta say it was a great New Years ;)


ANYWAYS I take personal requests :)))) just comment or message me about it!! Thanks for reading -Meghan

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now