Christmas eve with your families

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Niall Imagines:

Your Pov- (sorry it's short)

Christmas Eve with you and Niall's family
(I love these kinds of imagines I'll be sure to write more)

Today is Christmas Eve. The best part about it is I am spending it with Niall's family and my family COMBINED at my parents house. Our two families have gotten so close it's crazy!! Of course the one thing that brought them closer is the fact that I am 8 months pregnant!! The family is preparing for the baby to come in a month.

Like they placed bets on what day he's gonna come. I say it's January 21st because that's my grandpas birthday so it would work out.
Niall has been my 'boyfriend' for 3 years now. Notice the quotes? Well technically we're engaged but haven't really planned a wedding yet since the sudden news of me being pregnant.

Anyways I am wearing a red short dress with a laced neckline (pic to the side). My stomach really shows but looks nice in this dress, odd enough to say.

Currently we are all gathered in the warm living room to do the usual opening of one present on Christmas Eve. I am sitting in between Niall's legs with my back leaned against his chest as he strokes my hair and rubs my stomach.

"Niall pick a present to open." Maura says looking over at us. Niall kisses the side of my head and sits up bringing me up with him. I put my hands on my stomach and rub it.

Niall scans the presents and points to a small one probably from Maura. Greg tosses it to him which Niall easily catches it then goes back to his position on the couch. I scoot over so I can face Niall but not block anyone's view.

The slight Christmas music playing in the background soothes me and helps me focus in on Niall as he carefully opens up the gift.

He takes out a box which he opens revealing a gold watch from his mom. "Wow!" Niall smiles taking it out. "Thank you mum." Niall blows her a kiss. She blows one back making my heart melt at their sweet relationship.

Niall attempts to clamp on the watch. "I hope the size is right." Maura says setting her drink down and walking over to him. She examines the watch and gets the clamp to snap.

I feel that tight feeling in my stomach again telling me to get up and walk around. It's so annoying I can't sit for more than 15 minutes these days.
"Baby's shifting." I mouth to Niall. He nods knowing I'm going to have to get up and walk it off.

Niall gets up and helps me off the couch. My mom stands up and helps me get balanced since my feet have been pretty swollen. Once I'm done I let out a breath of relief then head to the doors with Niall by my side. We walk onto the porch and sit on the swinging chair.

I slowly sit down and catch my breath. The perks of being pregnant. It's actually kinda chilly out. Great I just sat down.

"How do you feel?" He asks before pecking my cheek. "Pregnant." I chuckle and put my hand back on my rounded stomach.

The thing I love about Niall is how he watches my every move. He's always right there especially these last 8 months. Just one more month to go until my little Prince Charming pops out.

"It's chilly babe." He puts his other arm around me in attempt to warm me. I smile slightly and shiver as the cold wind hits my face. "I can't wait Ni. One month to go." I say trying to bring up the mood. He smiles and strokes my hair.

"I can't wait either. I just want to see him now. I bet he looks just like his beautiful mommy." He looks down at my stomach gently placing two hands on my stomach.

I look down at my hardened stomach and smile. "Come on kick for daddy." I say just before feeling two slight kicks. It's like this kid has four legs he is fast!

"He's got a lot of legs." Niall chuckles as he rubs circles on my stomach. "He does. You know what Niall? I don't think that we're having just one baby. I'm not kidding this feels like twins." I say hoping for the twins though. I always wanted twins.

"That would be cool. But they never spotted a second." He sighs and kisses my stomach making chills run through me. Or maybe it's the winds. I'm just really uncomfortable.

"Help me up please." I say holding my hands out. He gladly gets up and hauls me up. I brush off my dress then place my hand back on my bump. I always wondered why women do that and now I know. It's like a sense of protection for your baby.

We walk back to the door and inside the warm house. "Ni could you get me a glass of water possibly?" I ask looking up at him. "Of course." He smiles and pecks my cheek before heading off to the kitchen.
I make my way back to the couch and sit back in my comfy spot.

I look at my family and Niall's as they laugh and sip their drinks all happy. To be honest I couldn't be happier to be a part of this great big family.

Once Niall comes back with my water I sip it's coldness then set it aside. "thank you." I say as he plops next to me. "No problem." He says.

I scoot so I am back in his lap. His arms snake around mine so he can place them on my stomach. I love it when he does that. I know my baby is going to have two people there to protect him through thick and thin.

"Y/N open your present!" My mom says noticing I came back. "I'm fine." I shrug and rest my head back on Niall's chest.

"No come on girl open one!" My mom grabs a present and tosses it to me. I sigh and tear open the packaging. It's a present from Denise, Greg's wife.

I smile as I open the box and take out adorable footsie winter pajamas for the baby. "Awww that's adorable!" I smile and hold up the outfit for Niall to see. He smiles and feels the fabric.

"That's not all. There's something for you I wasn't just going to get the baby something." Denise says sipping her eggnog. I nod and unwrap a little keychain. It has a key on it that on one side says 'courage' and on one side says 'strength'.

"That's adorable!! Thank you so much I can't wait to put this on my keychain." I admire the vintage key. I love vintage items so this really makes me happy.

"No problem. Just take care of that baby." She says winking. "I will." I say patting my stomach.

"I meant Niall." She chuckles setting down her glass. We all laugh and look at Niall who turns red.
The entire family laughs along sharing cute memories of us when we were kids.

I look to the Christmas tree and see little theo toddling around while Greg pretends to chase him. Theo giggles and falls on his butt.

Niall pokes my arm and leans in to whisper. "That will be us in a few years." I blush and nod. "Can't wait."
I peck his cheek then rest my head back on his chest.


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