Your Daughters First Day Of School (Request)

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Niall imagines:

Your daughters first day of kindergarten

Your Pov-

"Niall come on! We're gonna be late for her first day! Is she ready?" I call up the stairs.

He comes running down the stairs with our daughter, Savannah in his arms. I smile as he walks over to me and sets down our little angel. "Are you ready for your big day?" I ask bending down to her.

"Yes mommy." She smiles and puts her arms around my neck. I stand up and grip onto her. "I got the video camera." Niall says picking it up.

"Savannah you are getting so big. I can't hold you anymore." I chuckle and set her down. She giggles and starts jumping up and down.

"Let's go let's go!!" She grabs Niall's hand and starts pulling him to the door. Niall starts recording as she pulls him to the door. "Easy girl." I say following them. She giggles and stops at the door.

"As you can see, she is very excited for today aren't ya?" Niall laughs as Savannah starts jumping up and down. "Yes I am!" She laughs and starts to open the door.

"Missing something?" I ask taking her backpack from the floor. "Thank you." She smiles and slips it on her back. I smile then open up the door. The bus stop is at the driveway with a few other neighbors.

"Savannah slow down!" Niall calls as she pulls him out the door and down the driveway. I follow behind them with her lunchbox which she also forgot.

Once we get to the end of the driveway we stop and watch our little girl run around like crazy. "So what do you have to say on your big day?" Niall bends down asking Savannah. "Bye bye." She giggles and spins around.

Niall looks up to me and smiles. "She's growing up." He says tearing up. I laugh and kneel down.

"I thought I would be the one to cry but look! Daddy is!" I smile and take the camera from him and point it to him. He wipes his eye and looks away laughing. "Savannah give daddy a hug." I say turning to her. She giggles and jumps into his arms. He stands up with her and holds into her tight.

I look down the street and see two other parents walking down with their son. "Niall look." I nudge him and point to the people. He sets Savannah down then wipes his eyes

The people look about our age maybe 25-28 years old. Their son looks about Savannah's age. He has a clean cut brown hairstyle with a red shirt and denim blue jeans. He has his little lunch box and buzz light year backpack on his back.

The couple and their son smile at us as they walk. "Hello! Welcome to the neighborhood." The guy says shaking Niall's hand. "Why thank you. I'm Niall and this is my wife Michelle." He says introducing us.

"Nice to meet you." The man says to us. "I'm Mark and this is my wife Marla. This little guy is Robbie." Mark ruffles his sons hair and smiles.

"This is Savannah. Savannah say hi." I say putting my hands on her shoulders. "Hi. I'm Savannah." She says to Robbie. "I'm Robbie. Do you like toy story?" Robbie asks her. She looks up and Niall and grins.

"My uncle Liam LOVES toy story! We watch it all the time together." She giggles and starts up a conversation with Robbie.

Niall looks at me and puts his arm around me. "So is he going into kindergarten?" Niall asks the parents. They nod and look down to their son. "Yep. Mrs. Sampson's class." Marla says. "Oh so is she." I say looking down to Savannah.
She's laughing and running around with Robbie. I'm so glad she has someone to sit with on the bus and sit next to in school.

I look down the street and see the school bus rolling down the street. It stops at one house and then continues down the road. "Niall record this." I say as I hurry to get Savannah to calm down.

"Give mommy a kiss." I say bending down to her. She puts her arms around me and gives me a quick kiss. I stand back up and wipe my eye of one tear.

"Ha! I'm not the only one crying." Niall laughs pointing at me. "You cried first." I chuckle and wipe my eye again. Niall laughs and takes my hand. The bus pulls up to a halt.

Robbie's parents kiss him and send him up to the bus. Niall records everything as they both get on the bus. "Bye sweetie!! Make some friends! Be nice!!" Niall calls to her. She turns to us and gives us a thumbs up. Then she climbs up the steps and onto the bus.

Niall zooms in on the bus as Savannah and Robbie find a seat. I smile and wave to her as she sits by the window. She waves back and blows a kiss.

The bus doors close and then starts rumbling away. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "It was nice meeting you I'm sure we'll see you around. We've got to get to work but we will probably see you again tomorrow." Mark says putting his arm around his wife.

"Nice to meet you as well." I smile as Niall turns the camera around then puts his arm around me. "I know it was a quick meeting but we should talk sometime." Niall says. "Of course." Mark nods.

"You have an interview soon. Come on." I nudge Niall. He nods and brushes a piece of hair out of his face.

"Job interview?" Mark asks shoving a hand in his pocket. "No tv interview." Niall says shaking his head. Mark looks confused to Niall explains how he's in the band and they're worldly famous and all that good stuff.

"Very interesting." Mark says nodding. "Yeah it's a lot of fun." Niall says turning his head back to me. "It was nice to meet you." I say shaking their hands. We bid farewell then go our separate ways to our houses.

Once we get inside I make Niall some eggs, bacon, and toast while he showers up. Once he's done he comes downstairs in MY bathrobe. I look at him then burst into fits of laughter. "Niall!! Why are you wearing that?!" I ask pointing to him as I laugh hysterically.

"Don't I look dashing?" He asks kicking his leg up on a stool. "Keep it down!" I laugh and push his leg off the stool. "It's nothing you haven't seen before." He wiggles his eyebrows then sits down. I slap him in the back of the head lightly with a placemat then sit next to him.

"You're a goof." I chuckle stealing a piece of his bacon. He smacks my hand but it's too late. I smirk and bite he bacon strip. He chuckles and shakes his head as he cuts into his scrambled eggs.

"So. I wanna talk to you about something." Niall says shoving the food in his mouth. I sip my orange juice and nod setting it down. "So. It's gonna be lonely here with Savannah going off to school right?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well yes." I nod and pick up my glass. He takes another bite of egg then sets it down on his plate. "Well I was thinking... Maybe It wouldn't be bad to have another kid." He says folding his arms.

I think about it for a second. I've always wanted lots of kids.. And Niall's music is doing really well and was doing good when we had Savannah. Nothing changed then so it wouldn't hurt to have another kid.
"I'm up for it." I nod and sip my juice.

"Yes!!" He claps his hands together in victory. "Okay let's start now." He smirks and scoops me up off the stool. I put my arms around his neck and laugh.

"You're crazy." I smile and look into those deep blue eyes. "Crazy for you." He smiles then places his lips onto mine then leads me upstairs.

This should be fun :)

A/N soooooo that was okay I think lol. Mnh0826 likes it when he's a dad so here you go!! Hope it was good enough :/

If you wanna request just comment and I'll write you one. Two if I get bored like I'm doing here. SERIOUSLY COMMENT I DONT CARE I WANNA WRITE PERSONAL ONES!!!!

But thanks for reading XD

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