Chapter 7: The Sign

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It was already sunrise but the others are still sleeping on their tents, and my head gives me a damn headache but it's okay. I have a lot of fun earlier at the carnival... so many pukes. When I looked outside it was snowing beautifully, so many bright and shiny colors just like the ones in Odyssey's hair...

"Heads up!" I throw a snowball on each of their innocent and sleeping faces "wake up you nerds!".

"What the heck is wrong with you!" Archemhia screamed at her highest level "and what is this!".


"Snow?... snow has only one color and that is white but this it is just like the sparkles in Odyssey's hair..." she said "Oh... no!"

"What's up, do you know something about this?" I asked.

"Of course not!, I-I-I just forgot my earphones at the house, yeah that's it!" Archemhia reasoned nervously then she leave.

"What the what!" Odyssey shouted very loud even in miles away you can hear it "Oh no this... is not good..." he ran outside to check on it.

"What actually is this Odyssey?" Rhixzyne asked.

"This... is... a... DARK STARDUST, but actually it is a destroyed planet or star made by us." Odyssey explained.

"So it is a good thing or a bad thing?" Zelestia asked coldly.


"So what will happen?" Techo asked while looking at the sky.

"It means... THE EARTH IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED NEXT!" he was very furious and scared at the same time.

"It stop... the stardust stop falling in the sky..." Archemhia said.

"For now..." Odyssey said "but be ready we don't know when they're coming."

The people of the camp are... just taking pictures of them selves in the Dark Stardust, they didn't even know what will happen to us in this coming days.

After all of the campers are done taking picture, we volunteer to clean the unmeltable snow they called...

"Uhhh... Mr. Camp Counselor!" Xhinimee called him.

"Can I help you?" the counselor asked.

"You need to leave this place immediately!" Cliendra pleased him.

"What would I do that? this a historical phenomenon in the earth's crust!" he said while wandering the sparkling stardust on the the ground.

"You don't understand!, all of us are in danger! please? trust us!" Cliendra was already begging to the camp counselor.

"Sorry but I don't handle the decision." and he just walked away from us like he doesn't care.

Later that night...

I'm on my way to go to the bathroom then suddenly...

*Phew... phew phew phew*

There are so many fireworks launching in the dark sky...

"Hey guys there's a firework display at the center of the camp!" I shouted to them. When the time they heard it they all run outside because some of us are really obsessed with the fireworks just like a kid, especially Odyssey it reminds him of stars.

While we are walking on the pathway of the camp, we saw the clean way, all the stardust are gone. When we arrived at the center of the camp, they asked some random stranger...

"Excuse me, uhh... what's going on, why is there a huge party going on here?" Odyssey asked the boy in front of him.

"Didn't you saw the some flyers?" the kid said.

"What flyers?"

"The one with the first ever ANNUAL RAINBOW SNOW EVENT!" he kid said very happily.

"THEY USED THE RAINBOW SNOW EARLIER FOR THIS PARTY!... Do you know the room of the camp manager?" Odyssey was really shocked on what did the authorities have done to the stardust.

"Yeah, it's just in the main office near to the cafeteria." the kid leave on join the party.

"Ice come with me, stat!" He grabbed my hand and we go to the office the kid has told.

"Good evening kids, how can I help you?" the manager said kindly.

"Can I talk with you?" Odyssey said.

"Sure!, what is it?"

"I know this will sound impossible but ALL THE PEOPLE OF THIS CAMP NEED TO LEAVE, VALORAN CITY IS IN GREAT DANGER, THE EARTH IS IN DANGER!" Odyssey yeld at the manager face to face.

"Look kid, you're nuts! so please quit wasting my time, I have better things to do than listening in some dumb made-up stories."


"Go, and don't waste my time!" The camp manager kick us out of the office...



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