Chapter 8: Monster Invasion!

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That stupid manager of this camp won't believe me, he thinks it is just a made up story... they will regret it.

"So what now?, they won't believe us." Ice said while eating some corndogs.

"We'll  just wait, till the day comes, they will just come to us and beg for our help, they'll see!"

we walked to the camp and head to the center of the camp...

"Odyssey!, look at the glowing thing in the woods." Ice head to the light to check it out.

The hair in my arms are tingling in fear...

"Ice, I think that's not the only one in the woods."

"Stop being kill joy Odyssey...So cool!..." Ice touched the weird thing "Hey touch it, feels slimy!"

As I looked deeper into the woods, I hear moaning loudly in the dark woods.

"ICE... ICE... we need to leave NOW and get our weapons!" I pulled Ice hand and run as fast as I could.

"What in the world is that?!" Ice had stop from running.

"No time to explain, now run and warn the others, I'm gonna get the weapons in the tent." I continued running "Meet me at the lake house!".

I literally don't know what to do, I was very frustrated and scared...

"Oops!, sorry! oh great Techno help me get the weapons... stat! no time to explain."

"Should we bring our weapons too?" Techno suggested while helping me find the rest of the weapons.

"Yes!, that a big help... THANK YOU!"

"So what's the rush? what going on?" he asked.

"The camp is in great danger, we will meet them at the lake house."


"Hey guys! we need to leave now Odyssey said!" Ice called them and head towards to the lake house.

"What's wrong?" Archemhia asked Ice.

"We found some glowing things in the woods and there's a thousand of them!" Ice stop for a little bit to rest.

"What is that?" Cliendra passed Ice a bottle of water.

"We don't know, but it's slimy, Odyssey will meet us at the lake house!" they've continue to run.

As we arrived at the lake camp, I rest till they're here but even I'm already taking a rest, I can't stop worrying about the fate of Valoran City, the Earth.

"Odyssey!" a yell I can hear for a few meters away.

"Great! you're here, catch and get ready!" I throw them their weapon.

"What's going on?" Archemhia said  while getting ready for the fight.

"Monsters! Space Monsters!" I said.

"Monsters? ha! you dufus! you're still believing in some childish story!" Zelestia said with some coldness in her voice, well some kind of an insult.

The scream of the people of the camp "Help!, save us!".

"Vortex, Ice can you save the other people?" I ordered them kindly with fear. "Oh wait never use your powers in front of them, just open the portal and pretend you don't know it and if they don't go, push them!"

"Spider!" Archemhia screamed like a kid "Shoot it!, Shoot it!" she said to Cliendra shaking in fear.

"Ew! gross!" some of the slime spash in Xhinimee's feet.

A portal opened beside us and Ice and Vortex came out...

"That was fast! how did you do it?" I was so surprised in their swiftness.

"It's a little secret!" they smiled strangely at each other.


A huge green laser blast in front of us by a huge demonic three-armed octupus that destroyed the lake house.

"Archemhia, Rhixzyne, Ash freeze those hideous monters!" I commanded.

"Sorry I ruined your camp experience." I apologized to Zelestia.

"Are you kidding?, this is fun!" Zelestia ignited the monters, she seems really happy.

A huge voice of men continued laughing evily. Keys? what is Zelestia going to do with those keys then suddenly she throw it and open a allied monsters.

I pulled my staff and wave it on the mid air and cast some stars that shoots the monsters like a gun.

"Fire me in your gun!" Xhinimee yeld.

"Are you nuts, you want me to do what?!" Cliendra yeld back to Xhinimee.

"Just do it!" Xhinimee hopped in Cliendra's gun and she blast her in the air in her huge hammer flattening the monsters underneath her.

As more and more monsters come prioritizing me, I think this is the Dark Star's revenge on me.

"Odyssey watch out!" Xhinimee blocked me with her huge hammer from the huge blast of the alien spit.

"Thanks, appreciated!"

A loud groan, I heard from the top of Mt. Targon. I flew above in the mid air to shoot more stars of darkness.

A huge tentacles grabbed my body and throw me in the lake and I think I hit myself into a rock , my back hurts, many scars across my body but I like to transform in my true form but I can't do it... due to some friends who doesn't really know my real self...

-What will happen to them, let's check it out on the next chapter!-



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