Chapter 5 "A Witches Brew"

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  Yami had his stallion run around different areas of the pumpkin patch the brothers travel far into the pumpkin patch. They travel into new parts they haven't been to yet. This area of the maze-like pumpkin patch is also an area filled with many dead trees. Many of the other trees in the trail are a bright purple while there leaves are colors suiting fall perfectly. They travel down a bright orange path hoping they'll find their friend soon. The witches are close childhood friends of the two. When Yami's horse reaches a new open area they see the older of the two witch sisters. She is a blonde beauty wearing a dress of pink and blue her pointed hat matches her dress.

"Oh Yugi, Yami! I didn't expect to see you two here! I would've worn my beauty wart!" She says with a smile.

Her features are soft with eyes of blue and a grin with sharp fang like teeth. Her lips pink while her curled lashes are thick eagerly giving the two a wink. Yami and Yugi are used to her flirting. They know she's a flirty type. Yugi felt his boney cheeks burning while Yami smiled.

"Nice to see you too Dark Magician girl. I see you are collecting from that sugar skull bush." Yami said.

The bush he mentioned has tall pointed leaves growing upwards while on the center in the ground is a white and orange sugar skull it's leaves have odd colorful berries growing from the blooming purple flowers. She is collecting them in a little black basket decorated with bats. She gave the two a nod.

"They're very delicious! Would you two like some?" She offers with a cute smile.

"No thanks Dark Magician girl. We're glad to see you're safe." Yugi said.

"Safe? Why wouldn't I be safe? Did something happen in Halloween town?"

"The town is in shambles! An army of bugs is ruining the town!" Yugi exclaimed.

"An army of bugs?! No wonder my sister was acting strange! She was in a hurry to make a potion for the two of you! She told me to bring her these berries once I was done here."

Yugi and Yami look to each other realizing the message passed from Pegasus was from Mana. She was closest to Yami since she's out going and overly kind.

"I know Mana has a great potion for you! In fact we were discussing ingredients for that 'pumpkin king' elixir we are always talking about. She must be gathering ingredients for it. If anyone can find her in this pumpkin patch it's you two. Here take these berries to her."

Yugi held the berries inside the pocket of his striped jacket since his brother wears armor. The two leave to find their friend quickly. On the way to her they battle more bugs but these are different. The bugs are one eyed and able to fly. They can use their eye to shoot laser beams. Yami's stallion is a brave one he only gets spooked if it's something extremely scary. It gave a loud "neigh" while Yugi jumped off its saddle to begin hitting the creatures with his black fire. His boney hands shoot black flames being sure not to cause any harm to his pumpkin patch. Yami used his dark energy to scare many of the little hooligans away. Yugi managed to get rid of the remaining bugs with his dark fire. The two weren't sure if Mana would truly be safe they feared the worst. They continued traveling through the pumpkin patch hoping they'd find her soon.

After traveling around the pumpkin patch on Yami's horse they're able to notice someone in the distance with a huge black cauldron. When they draw near the individual they see none other than their witch friend, Mana. She seems surprised to see them. Yugi and Yami jump off the raven colored horse greeting their friend.

"What are you two doing here? Never mind. I'm glad you two arrived! Have you seen my sister?"

"We have! Good to see you Mana. She had us deliver something to you." Yugi said grabbing the berries from his pocket then handing it to her.

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