Chapter 8 "Christmas Land?"

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Disclaimer: I don't own the songs in this fic. Yes this will be a bit of a song fic from now on.


  The next morning mayor Pegasus rang at Yugi's doorbell. His home is a tall dark house with stairs and gates leading to his front door. It's a two story fitting for the pumpkin king. Pegasus seems to be holding a pile of papers. They're drafts all plans made for Halloween this year. A group of monsters stood by the gate watching the mayor. They're friends of the pumpkin king. The group of monsters are musicians. They're a trio that see Yugi a lot since he's always passing them on the way home. A devil and a werewolf walked up to the gate as well. The blonde devil is carrying a deck of cards while the werewolf eagerly followed him from behind. The werewolf is none other than Duke.

"Morning Joey, morning Duke." Mayor Pegasus greets them.

The mayor pulled at the spider that rang Yugi's front door. An eyeball decorated on the door stares at Pegasus while the doorbell shrieks. Mayor Pegasus began humming the town's song. Joey and Duke look at each other then the musicians. The musicians give them a good morning.

"I hope Yug is home. I wanted to play cards with him." Joey said.

"I also wanted to join. I'm always so bored in the morning." Duke the werewolf shrugged.

Mayor Pegasus had his second gloomy face appear upon Yugi not answering the door. He rolled out a paper with Halloween themes on it.

"Yugi I have the plans for this years Halloween. I thought we could go over it." Pegasus rang the doorbell which shrieked again. His face was gloomy white in worry. "Yugi please answer. I'm only an elected official, I can't make decisions on my own."

Duke and Joey snickered hearing their dramatic mayor. The group of musicians spoke up.

"Yugi ain't home."

"He hasn't been home all night."

"In fact he's been acting weird lately."

"Weird? Is Yugi alright?" Joey asked as his red devil wings twitched.

"Yesterday when he tipped us he made a worrisome comment." The musician playing the bass said.

"Yeah something about Halloween. How it's the same this year as it was the year before."

"And year before that." The musician with the accordion added.

"I'm sure Yug didn't mean anything by it." Joey said.

"Yeah he's the king of Halloween." Duke nodded.

"Then where is he?" Mayor Pegasus asked from his spot by the front door.

The musicians shrugged.

"Maybe he's with his brother." Duke suggests.

Pegasus thought it was a good suggestion. He immediately went to his hearse parked outside the gate to head to the palace. Joey and Duke joined him in the back seats. None knew the whereabouts of the pumpkin king except for his dog Zero who was still waiting for his owner by the trees. Yugi was pulled into a whole new wonderland. The portal to this new world was filled with swirls of snowflake filled winds. Yugi's black cape flowed effortlessly behind him as he was pulled into the whirlwind like transportation. When he opened his eyes he was safe but he was on a pile of a soft mysterious substance. It was ice cold and chilled his bones. He didn't know it was snow since he'd never seen it before. He took a pile in one of his boney hands and took a bite of it. He smiled then looked down the hills of snow to see a bright town shimmering in colors and joy. It was all so new! This was exactly what the king desired! Something exciting and new. A huge smile crossed his boney face. One that normally didn't appear on his face since he's always spooking others. He ran down the hill to look over the town. He made sure to stay hidden so no one would see him. He was so excited that he wanted to break out in song. A bright choo choo train went around a snowy hill, ice skating around a giant tree similar to the peculiar door he went inside of, and lots of penguins! So much was there to explore. Christmas caroling, snowmen and the smell of peppermint filled the air. All the homes were decorated in lights and bright colors. Yugi has yet to be in a setting such as this. He was so used to the dead dark colors of Halloween Town. No ghouls or the dead covering the land. Everything was so merry and alive it made him feel warm inside. He sang as he looked over a snowman and touched snowflakes.

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