Chapter 21

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"Come on, Miki! Double time or we'll be late!"

"I'd rather enjoy the scenery we passed by," I said bluntly, but still followed them. They are almost running just to catch up to the examiners of the chunin exam. We are asked to do an interview for the academy's newspapers. The jounin who's in charge of teaching us divided us into groups. And maybe part of being lucky, that I got grouped to those whom I knew.

And that Konohamaru was inviting me to join them on their epic camouflage. I said that I'll pass again this time, sorry. (一一)

I stopped to where I was so I wont ruin the surprise appearance of Konohamaru's four eyed squad, except for Udon, he had six.

I don't know to myself why I like being this mean.

Anyway, and there they goes, getting everyone's attention because of that ridiculous camouflage. Good idea of not joining them, it's embarrassing. (一一)

"That's the worst disguise of all time! There's no such thing as square rocks! It's completely obvious!" says Naruto smartly pointing at their camouflage.

"Saw through my camouflage again!" says Udon.

How can't they saw through that! Even me, having only two eyes can see through it!(ーー;)

"You're smart, boss! That's what I expect to my greatest rival!" says Konohamaru. then their disguise blew up, little by little, with pink and yellow thick smoke then revealed them three coughing.

I think, they should have released the smoke effects they prepared after they removed their camouflage.

Who's not gonna cough with that? They blockaded their selves with that smoke. (ーー;)

The more I'm thinking about them, the more I was suffering with them. (ーー;)

"I think, we've used a little to much gun powder you guys," says Konohamaru then they found out that all people who are here was looking at them, but they didn't care. They composed their selves back to normal like nothing happened then proceeded to do their flashy introduction that they had practiced it over and over to perfect.

"I'm Moegi! The sexiest Konoichi in pre-school! Check me out!"

"I love algebra! Call me Udon!"

"And I'm the number one ninja in the village! Konohamaru!" Konohamaru and his squad looked at me like waiting for something from me.

I wanted to correct him that currently, I'm the rank one student of the academy─well, maybe just in my batch though, and he was also a top student on his class. But whatever.

"Don't count on it," I said bluntly with my arms crossed. Besides, a ninja squad only composed of three-man cell. The three of them are a perfect fit when together.

They all anime fell to the ground after I rejected them, then back to what they're doing.

"When we're all together, we're the Konohamaru ninja squad!" They introduced themselves with a pose, moving on from turning them down that quick.

And then again, like I said lately, every squad has three members─the fourth member will be the jounin who was assigned for them. So, that must mean, I'm out of the team─I'm happy to hear that. (─ ─ ")

"I know it's you guys but," blah blah blah..I don't even care.
I just want to remind them that we─I mean, they came here to have an interview for an article. Not to have a chitchat or something. They're wasting too much time!

I went into where the four but─"Hey!" we all look at the─maybe she's the proctor of this exam. "What are you doing? you're holding up the exam!"

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