Chapter 25

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I offered a flower then prayed for the soul of the late third hokage.

It's sounds cheesy, but I kinda miss talking to him actually.

It all seems like it's just yesterday where I was still arguing with him about school.
Now, I'm only saying goodbye by the way of praying.

Even the heavens mourns that day.

It's been two days now after the late third hokage's soul left from his body.

I walked on the streets going to that tea house where Kakashi says if I wanted to go to the tea house. It's been ages that we went to eat outside the house, so he thought of going there. Now that the environment was all very gloomy.
Maybe a family bonding could ward it off at least.

I saw Dad leaning on a wall outside the shop talking to a two jounins.

When I get there, I got attention attention from the lady jounin again who had a fake sharingan. "Oh, your daughter's here."

"The two of you also here," I said as a greeting. If I just knew that Asuma was here, I should have dragged Konohamaru with me.

Now that I mentioned it, it's been such a long time we've never seen each other.

If I haven't been a jerk and didn't sent a shadow clone to go to school, I may have seen him everyday.

"So guys, you two seem getting along.." says Dad to the two of his fellow jounin that I wouldn't bother to understand what could that be.

"Idiot! Anko just asked me to pick up some rice dumplings for her," the lady jounin reasoned out though. It can be a hint that my father hit the target the make her be that defensive.

"Miki?" I turned my attention on Asuma. "What's with that frown? Pissed off again? It was beginning to be your habit," he asked.

"No, rather I'm disappointed with myself," I answered.

"Well, won't you give yourself a break," he suggested after he chuckled the turned his attention to Kakashi. "What are you doing here? Aside from catching up from your reading?"

"Oh, I need to buy something to put on the grave," he answered them that I get annoyed deep down on me.

He invited me to take a break, and now that we are here, he suddenly bringing up to buy flowers to put it on the grave.

I don't know, but it's strange that there was a scent in the air that it was too foreign to identify.
Gee, this habit of mine, smelling everything around me to check for something changes or different, I sounded like a dog. (一一)

"Plus we're meeting somebody here."

I look at Kakashi, "Who's we're meeting?" I asked. Well, I thought this is a family bonding, I really don't mind Asuma and his girlfriend on joining us. But knowing that someone was still expected to come, I'm already thinking this isn't a family bonding. But a celebration for something. (─ ─ ")
If it was though, he should have told me. I wanted to invite Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi too.

"Sasuke," he answered simply.

Even when the chunin exam is already over, he's still Sasuke here and Sasuke there. I'm starting to get jealous. (─ ─)

"It's unusual to you on waiting on somebody," says Asuma with their eyes can be read that they were suspecting on someone inside that shop.

"The flowers that you'll be putting on the grave, is it for Obito?" asked Asuma.

"Obito?" asked Kurenai.

"Uhh, yeah. Kind of," answered Kakashi.

Their conversation alone, even a child like me could read that something was going on.
I might be shallow thinker in my level, but it must be related to the foreign scent I'm smelling.

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