8 - Turkey

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We turn off the freeway and drove into town. Jean drove me straight to the ER so a nice doctor can look me over. I was sick in the hospital parking lot, when we got to the hospital. Jean helped me lay down on one of the beds in the emergency room.

'What do we have here?' A doctor asked us.

'She got sick on her flight from London over here and she's been sick a few times driving here and she has a really high fever. Please help my wife doctor.' Jean spoke to the middle-aged graying man.


'Mrs. Yaman, Nadia Yaman.'

'Mrs. Yaman, can you tell me what hurts and doesn't feel right?' The good doctor asked me.

'My stomach is cramping like crazy, my head feels like it could pop at any moment and I feel so cold.' He took my temperature with one of those new guns readers that reads your body temperature temperature your forehead.

'Goodness her fever is in utter space.' He looked down my throat and listened to my chest that is wheezing now.  After he examined me and gave us his final conclusion. I have this new flu that is making the rounds. He inject me with a medicine cocktail then send me home with a bag full of medicine I have to take for the next fourteen days. The stuff he injected me with made me drowsy and half fell asleep on our drive home. Jean helped me up to our room when we finally got home.

'I am so sorry love. I didn't mean to mess up our little time we have together like this.'

'Hey, I am just happy to have you home. I bet you a hundred lira that you're sick because you overwork yourself this past couple of weeks with work and school.'

'I guess I am guilty on that account Mr. Yaman.' I tiredly smiled up at him from my pillow.

'Get some rest angel. I'll be right back once I get your bags from the car.'

'Okay.' I said and my eyes fell shut. I slept for a few hours then got in a shower and got dressed in sweat pants and a long sleeve tee shirt. I set out to look for Jean. He was in the lounge reading what looks like a new script.

'Hey, how are you feeling angel girl?' He asked leaning in a little.

'Like an elephant sat on my body. I don't want to make you sick handsome I will sleep in the guest room tonight.'

'No please. I haven't seen or held you in over five months you are good right next to me. I'll take extra vitamins to keep me from getting sick too.' He spoke as he pulled me to sit down next to him.

'Very well. So how was filming?' I asked him with a tired smile.

'Filming was great. We finished filming last week and I have to say I love this new career path I am on.'

'I am so happy and proud of you handsome.'

'Thank you. Sounds like you are the only one. Dad is not a big fan of my new career choice I recently made.'

'Really? Too bad, he will laugh on the other side of his face once you become so famous globally that they will come and apologize to you.' Jean just looked at me stunned at what I just said. His face broke out in a smile while he shook his head. 'What?' I asked smiling at him.

'Even in your current sickness, you manage to spread your positivity around.'

'Of course. If everyone stop being positive do you know how quickly evil darkness will overwhelm this world.'

'You're right it's true. Would you like to eat your saved dinner?' He asked.

'No thank you. I started to feel sick when I got out of bed coming down here. Have you eaten love?'

A Travelling Dream and then I met him...(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now