12 - Honeymoon

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We're in Greece for three weeks and we have already toured around Athens and we are currently in Mykonos

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We're in Greece for three weeks and we have already toured around Athens and we are currently in Mykonos.

I can't believe we've been married for a year already

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I can't believe we've been married for a year already. Yes, I know it is technically only next week but still. See how quickly a year can go by. We were laying on a rocky beach in Greece when my phone rang and it is the doctor that treated me when I felt faint with low blood pressure and he finally got the lab results back this morning. 

I let Jean listen to my conversation with my doctor. 

'Mrs. Yaman your lab results clearly state that you are pregnant I would like to give you an ultrasound to see.'

'Oh, okay. The thing is doctor I am currently on my honeymoon in Greece. But we will be back in Verona end of next week then we can come and see you for an ultrasound.'

'Perfect see you then ma'am.' We hung up and Jean had this smile on his face, like he just had a large bowl of cream. I just sat and wait for him to finally react. He jumped up and down with joy as we're the only ones on this secluded beach we found on our own. He even yelled with joy. He pulled me up into his arms and hugged me as he was so overjoyed to be a father.

'All of your current symptoms make sense now. Your emotional uneasiness, you being sick and your dizziness.' Jean held my face in both of his hands.

'Yes, it does all make sense.' I looked into his soulful eyes. He leaps in and kiss me and I kiss him right back as I wrap my arms around his neck. We head to the water and swam around having fun in the waters of Greece then head back to our hotel.

'I wonder how far along are you?' Jean asked me on our drive back to the hotel.

'I have no idea. Guess we'll have to wait till we get back to Verona to find out.'

'Yeah I guess. Hope mom and dad and Jason are having a good time at the vineyard.'

'Me to. I am so glad mom finally decided to retire. She's been working my entire life growing up. So I only had her on weekend. Jason got to know mom way better then me. Mom decided when he was still in grade school to work half days to be with him, I never got that with her.'

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