29 - New Career Paths

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We drove from court where we stated our case to the judge what happened with Hakan as he broke into our house. He gave Hakan four years in jail. From the airport, the six of us head straight to the airport as we are all London bound to meet with Universal Studios. I got us a private plane booked to fly us directly. Four and half hours later we land at Heathrow airport.

We drove to one of my open flat here and got settled. Mom took the train out this way from Paris and will look after the kids for us while we have our meeting with the studio. We took a taxi to the studio's offices and meet up with my agent and she introduced us to Mr. Mark Jacobs the studios lead director. We took our meeting in one of their board rooms and start talking. They want to buy my story from me and I don't really feel comfortable with it. I told Mr. Jacobs that I want to have at least thirty percent of the generated income of the movie series for myself. They talked it over and with a funny emotion agreed to my conditions since I want to be actively involved in the making process.

We got everything we discussed in writing and set a date when they want to start filming the first movie of my action drama series. They want to start filming next year, January. So in the meantime they will start getting everything in place for then. I gave in my main cast nominations and Jean's name was at the very top. So with everything all signed and sealed we head on over to Paris for a a week or two then flew back home.

Jean's, one cousin stayed at the house while we were on the other side of the continent. We got home and to thank Jean's cousin Edgin we had a nice barbeque and also to celebrate our recent achievements. The kids love their uncle and they play with him and Edgin played with them. I made a few salads and we had a nice dinner together. After dinner Edgin head home. Daddy Yaman oversees the broken window for us and the new window is fitted and looking great. Jean called to thank his dad for us.

I was busy giving the girls their evening bath when Yusef and Bulut came running and playing into the bathroom. Jean playfully tickle them and carried them out and got them in their own bath with him. By the time I was done with Bikem and her sister the boys where washed and dressed for bed. Now only to get them sleepy. The girls were easy and the boys listened to daddy telling them about a knight going to rescue the princess with his trusty steed and sword from the wiked dragon that kept her prisoner for the past ten years.

I smiled as I listened to Jean and his very elaborate bedtime story he is telling the boys. I later walked off and got in a bath. I was still in my bath when Jean came walking in and was busy tying his hair in a man bun as he got undress to get in behind me. I smiled up at him as he climbs in behind me.

'Hello, mama.' He spoke sinking into the water behind me.

'Hello, sexy. You know one of these days I am going to take all your stories and turn them all into kids bedtime stories for the whole of Turkey.'

'Why are they that good?' He asked holding me to him.

'Yes. They sure are.' I smiled as I held his arms to me.

'Very well I guess it will be good to have something for than kids to tell their own kids one day in the near future.'

'That was one of the reasons and also because they are surely awesome stories. I'll start on it in the morning and I'll also employ Jason for his graphic design skills to do the illustrations.'

'Great idea.' We wash and got out and got ready for bed. Then out of nowhere the power went out. 'What the hell is going on?' Jean said and we both walked to the windows and saw most of the city's power is out as well. We got on our phones and saw on Twitter that it's been a Syrian attack on Turkey. Our troops have been deployed and now with this attack it will be full on war now. We ran upstairs and got dressed then packed most of the suitcases we can lay our hands-on with our clothes and the all the kids clothes with Yusef's school things and we load our sleeping kids in our car. We drove to Jean's parents and got them all packed up and phoned the rest of the Yaman family relatives to pack up and drove all to a meeting point on the Bulgarian border where we all will get on a train with our cars and we will all take the train to Italy.

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