Chapter 7 The study "Date"

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Deku went OFF on kacchan
Leaving an awkward tension between Kirishima and Midoriya but it seems we have a study date? Let's see how it goes in this chapter of HEARTBROKEN

Midoriya pov
I start getting out of my uniform looking for some casual clothes in my drawer. I honestly still feel like crying I have a bad habit of keeping everything in and not telling people even though I get called a cry baby allot I'm usually crying over a lot of things it was just that one that pushed me over the edge. I look at the time and realize it's time for my medication I reach for my anti depressants and anxiety medication and go to the sink to get some water. After I take my pills and fumble with my hair a little bit in the mirror I hear a knock at the door. I quickly go over to open it already knowing who it is.
"Hey Midoriya ready?"
Kirishima was in a casual t shirt with a shark on it and had some ripped jeans and red converse on. Of course he has his signature bandana on. I realized this was the first time I've ever seen him in casual clothes. He looks nice...
"Earth to Midoriya are you ready?"
I realized I have been starring
"Oh yea totally sorry kirishima"
I pull myself out of it and walk out of my dorm closing and locking the door
"Ok let's go"

~time skip brought to you by ichiruka ramen! Go get some great miso ramen today fit for a hokage!~

Kirishima's POV
We are walking to the ice cream parlor and I think I just realized how much Midoriya likes all-might he has an allmight shirt on right now and an all-might hat on his room is even filled with all-might figurines. Not that I mind though I find his fanboy side kind of cute argh there I go again calling Midoriya cute inside my own head. Seriously what is wrong with me I can't be falling for someone already bakugou literally just shattered my heart I feel some pain lingering in my chest from my heartbreak. Besides he probably doesn't even like me anyway not that it matters I don't like him.
"Were here!"
Midoriya exclaimed opening the door pulling me out of my thoughts.
I walk inside the smell of sugar and cream instantly hitting me as I breath in the sweet smell
"I'll have one scoop of watermelon ice cream please"
Midoriya Asks the person behind the ice cream display
I take a look at the flavors before deciding
Chocolate, cotton candy, vanilla, ooooh strawberry!
"I'll have one scoop of strawberry please"
I ask the person they nod and get our ice creams
I turned around to see Midoriya trying to pay for both of us
"Hey I can pay for myself"
I whine I would feel so bad if Midoriya payed for me
"Oh please Kirishima it's the least I can do you've helped me so much"

"I helped you? I was the one crying on your shoulder these past few days"
I pushed he seemed to think for a little bit before responding
"How about we just both pay for our own and settle this later?"

I nod my head thankful for the compromise and pay for my ice cream and go sit down at a table pulling out my bag keeping my promise of studying

~time skip brought to you by freaking homework it's a pain...~

"Man finally finished!"
I sighed in relief we managed to finish all my work and of course our ice cream
"Yea we completed everything nice job" Midoriya complimented me
"Wouldn't of been able to do it without you"
I smile at Midoriya truly thankful for his help he smiled back
"Well what do you wanna do now?"
He asked I thought for a little bit before saying something cheesy
"Well whatever you want to do"
He smiled and fumbled with his thumbs
"Well I do know a park I always went to as a child want to go?"

"Sounds fun"
I agreed and so we got up cleaned up our mess and headed out the door and down the sidewalk
"It's just over here it's rather close to my house and the school since I live close to UA"
He leads the way and I happily follow him

Midoriya pov
I lead his to my childhood park I actually go here quiet often swinging at night is rather peaceful speaking of which it was getting late the sun was starting to set and the cicadas were starting to buzz
"Here it is"
I opened my arms wide to show off my park as if I was proud parent
I hear Kirishima chuckle beside me
"Cool, oh my gosh is that a
merri-go-round? I haven't seen one of those in forever!"
I see him run up to it like an excited child
"Yea I never really used it though I would always get way to dizzy"
really bakugou  use to spin me on there until I puked so I stayed far far away from it at all costs
"Oh that's to bad" he seems disappointed but that didn't last long his eyes sparkled up again as I started walking towards him
"Can you spin me please?!"
He looked like an excited puppy I just couldn't say no who would? I started spinning him round and around in circles
He laughed through it all
As time went on we eventually ended up on the swings gently swinging next to each other the swings were always my favorite I could swing for hours being left with my own brain and the simple pattern of moving back and forth
"We should really go home now"
It was getting pretty dark and I don't really want to walk in the dark
Kirishima mumbled a Yea in agreement
We got off the swings and started walking back


Kirishima's POV
My goodness that was so much fun Midoriya is a blast we talked about so many things and he is a great teacher so I got through all my homework like that now I can relax when I get back to my dorm instead of stressing my head off we continue walking until we soon see the school we He was right he doesn't love to far away from the school it was only a 15 minute walk
We entered the school and soon reached the dorms separating us
"Bye Kirishima see you at class, also I had a lot of fun let hang out again sometime!"

"Yea totally dude anytime! Good night"
I watched him close his dorm room after mumbling a goodnight and headed to my dorm which was a few doors down today was a good day

Authors note
So school started and it's a and excuse my language BITCH so I am updating as much as I can which seems to be about weekly I don't really have a schedule also I was reading back with my other chapters and realized how many grammar and spelling mistakes I have omg how do you guys manage lol I'm so thankful I'm not the best with spelling and autocorrect hates everyone I have also noticed that I am getting a lot of vote now it seems that just yesterday I had mearly 2 reads *sniff* thank you guys so much i am truly thankful for you guys this is such an experience I'm so glad your enjoying the story and it seems that Kirishima and Midoriya are getting along ^w^ we'll see what happened next time on HEARTBROKEN

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