Chapter 5 Fallen Behind

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Kirishima found out just how much of a scaredy cat Midoriya really was. they defiantly bounded which is sure to bring way to a fantastic friendship, but will this possibly turn out to be more then a friendship? Find out in this chapter of HEARTBROKEN

Oh yea I forgot that Kirishima is insecure and has this idea of manliness where he
beats himself up about showing emotions and deku is just kinda depressed and doesn't tell anyone he is in pain so there might be some angst just for anyone who is sensitive to that I forgot to put this as a warning sorry if u caught anyone off guard

*The next day*
Kirishima's POV
Grah Since I've been gone for a while I have so much to catch up on! Dammit I was already behind seriously what was I thinking I'm so stupid. I'd normally ask bakugou for help but I don't think we are even friends anymore. He has been avoiding me all day, he is disgusted by me... I sigh trying to Focus back onto presidents mics voice as he teaches Japanese class.even though his voice is hard to ignore I find myself struggling to make out his words. After a few minutes the bell rings and I barely got any of the lesson what's worst is that we got a project now. Great....
I walk down the halls to my next class which is math with mrs. midnight
As I'm walking down the halls I see Midoriya in the crowd the memories from last night flood into my head making me smile as I walk toward him.
Then I get a great idea
I'll just ask Midoriya to help me study!
I start walking beside him but he doesn't seem to notice he is muttering something about his last class but I could exactly understand it all since the hallway was kind of crowded and loud
"Hey Midoriya!"
I greet him finally after following along side him without him noticing for a while
He jumps slightly
"Hey Kirishima! W-what's up?"
"Can you help me study later today? I fell way behind!"
Midoriya smiles
"Yea of cou-"
A loud voice interrupted him a voice I know all to well bakugou came storming down the hallway people moving out of the way off him some giving him looks.
I felt myself pale
Midoriya flinched beside me.
Come on Kirishima be a man
I was about to step forward and confront him when he took a deep breath and turned to me
"Sorry I didn't get to hear where I should meet you to study?"
He completely ignored bakugou well almost he was basically shaking in place
Bakugou stood there shocked
The bell rang and a teacher yelled at us to get to class guess we were literally saved by the bell
Bakugou stormed off glaring at Midoriya
We started walking down the hall
"Gahhhh how could I do that! he's going to kill me later, I have to apologize maybe he'll take it easy on me!"
Midoriya continued to chatter on about how bakugou was going to beat him up until I had enough
"Midoriya, I won't let bakugou beat you up! What kind of friend would I be if I just let that happen it's just unmanly!"
I said getting strangely protective Midoriya is super manly and strong but for some reason I can't help but feel I have to protect him.
He looked up at me
"Thanks Kirishima" he smiled appreciatively at me and felt my heart flutter
He turned into his classroom
The bell rung but I was still frozen in place holding my chest
...that's weird

Authors note
SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING it was the first week of school and I wanted to make sure I got a good start but now I have a lot of time to write I know this chapter is short but I'm working on another one and hopefully I can get 2 up for today! I usually try to have each chapter 1,000 words this one is 500 anyways let me get writing
~thanks for almost 100 reads by the way I didn't think I would get any love you guys
:3 <3 ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡ ~

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