Chapter 15 interupted buisness

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Authors note
Hey guys I know I don't normally put the authors note at the begging but I feel the need to apologize to you guys for not updating my Christmas has been very hectic someone broke into our house and stole some of our gifts (mostly mine but I'm glad my siblings weren't stolen cuz they are a lot more into Christmas then I am) luckily the expensive gifts where upstairs yea so if you were wondering where I went I just had some family stuff to attend to my sister was very upset her gifts she got for me were stolen so I was mainly just comforting her and spending time with my family anyways sorry for kinda ranting and not posting a Christmas special I was kind of excited to but I didn't really have time so I guess we will just continue with the story there is always New Years!
Anyways thank you for 6K! I can't thank you guys enough for all the support I'm very glad all of you seem to like the story :) I hope you had a merry Christmas/ happy Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate :D
Recap: todoroki and midoriya are now friends! Will this continue to make Kirishima jealous or will he handle everything ok? And someone is watching them BUT WHO?!

Kirishima's POV:
I watched todoroki and Momo walk in a different direction most likely to their class as the lunch bell rung I waited for midoriya to pack the empty bento boxes back up watching him tie them back up in the cloth
"Alright let's go!"
He pushed in his seat and grabbed onto my hand
"Yup don't wanna be late"
I smiled at my adorable green haired boyfriend and started walking him to his class hand in hand
(Sorry I know this part is sudden)
There was only 2 days left until we got to go back home for a week so we can celebrate the holidays I was planning on inviting Izuku to the shrine so we can make our New Years wish together.
But first...
"Hey midoriya I've been thinking"
I stopped outside his classroom
"Hmm what is it?"
He stopped reaching for the door and turned to look at me
"We have been dating for around a month now.. and we'll I was wondering..."
Come on Kirishima spit it out...
Izuku listened to me carefully
"If we could maybe start calling each other by our first names now..."
Why did that make me so nervous to say
I mentally yelled at myself for being so awkward
Izuku chuckled
"Sure eijiro, we can go by a first names now if you would like"
He smiled at me a little bit of pink dusting his cheeks
He said my name so easily
He walked over and hugged me I was probably a red flustered mess to him
"You should go to your class your gonna be late"
He said hugging me
"T-thanks, s-see you after class izuku"
I hugged him back after a second he let go and walked into the classroom leaving me there to be a flustered love struck boy
I decided to walk to my class I could feel the goofiest puppy love smile on my face as I walked back to my classroom but I could also feel as if somebody was watching my every movement but I ignored it

**after class**

Midoriyas pov:
I heard the bell ring ending my 6th period class I finished writing down my last notes and started packing my stuff
It was finally time for hero training!
(I made it at the end of the day)
I walked out the door and Eijiro was there as usual he must run to my class to catch me or something how sweet! He's so cute.
"Hey Eijiro"
Eijiro smiled and pulled me into a hug
He replied back and let go of me as we started to walk to the boys locker room
"Izuku I was wondering if you would like to go to the shrine with me for New Years"
He said as we were walking and I felt excitement bubble up in my chest
"I was just about to ask you that!"
I giggled at the coincidence
"Great minds think alike"
He joked and laughed and I laughed with him
We walked into the locker room and started to change into our hero costumes the usual thing we did everyday
I snuck a few glances at his chest
Eijiro was well built he had abs and a v line defined enough to cut someone I felt my face heat up as I stared
By this time almost everyone finished and left the locker room

Kirishima's POV:
I felt a pair of eyes on me it was Izuku he was blushing as he stared at my bare chest I put my last arm piece and and buckled the straps making my way over to him pinning him against the lockers
"You act like you don't see this everyday"
I said to him my voice a little lower then normal he flustered his face turning as red as my hair
"I-I uh.... yea I guess your right" he tried to look away but I grabbed his chin and made him look at me
Isuzu cracked a smile his face was warm and very inviting so I started to lean in but just as I was about to kiss him someone said from across the room in a oh so familiar teasing voice
"Ewwwwww get a room you two!"
I looked to see who interrupted it was denki
Denki laughed
"You should see your twos faces!"
I glared at him
Denki May be a pretty darn good wingman but he can't be very dense at times
Denki said a silent oh
"Oops sorry bro well I gotta get to uh hero training.... BYE"
He awkwardly ran off and I rolled my eyes
"He's right though we don't want to be late we should head to hero training"
Izuku spoke from underneath me
I sighed
"Yeah your right"
I released him from my pin and we headed to hero training.

Thanks you for 6K and sorry for short chapter and wait love you all!

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