chapter 20: Stolen kiss

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Sinsou just dragged Midoriya away from Kirishima during the New Years festival

He had a stern expression on his face and I swear I could see him blushing
"Let's watch the fire works together"
He said after moments of silence he stepped closer to me.
"I-I'm already seeing the fireworks with someone sorry-"
Right as I said that the first fire work went off I went to turn around for one last desperate chance to find Kirishima but a hand pushed the back of my head it wasn't until I felt a pair of lips on mine when I realized what was going on...

Shinso was kissing me..

My eyes flew open in surprise and once I got over it I pushed away but before I could say anything I heard an all to familiar voice in the crowd
I turned around to face Kirishima he was sadly holding taiyo. Everything was going so fast I barely knew what was happening anymore his sadness turned to anger.
"Eijiro it's  not what it looks like! HE kissed ME!"
He set taiyo down on a bench and marched his way over I felt tears pricking the edges of my eyes and flinched when he got close to me but he walked right past me and up to shinso grabbing his shirt
Shinso stayed calm but his eyes shined with jealousy
"Hey he was the one who asked me to kiss him"
I felt betrayed and Hurt I thought he was my friend yet here he was lying trying to tear apart my relationship
My voice cracked I was so upset
Kirishima scoffed
"I know he wouldn't do that... you stole our New Years kiss jer-"
He was cut off by Shinso's mind controlling quirk he made kirishima let go of him and he ran fleeing the scene.
Speaking of scene people were looking in our direction some with worry, some with disgust, and some with interest... as if this moment couldn't get any worst...
Kirishima eventually came back to his scenes shaking his head quickly to scramble his mind back together
"Eijiro you have to believe me he- WOAH"
I was cut off by Kirishima pulling me away and out of the crowd into a place empty of people
I was cut off again by Kirishima kissing me on the lips not that I minded by more important things needed to be discussed
I pulled away trying to say his name again only to be cut off by him kissing me again I was growing frustrated I pulled away again
I have never shouted that way at him before
He was taken aback but his expression still shown jealously
"You do believe me right"
He stayed silent and the doubt he didn't believe me stirred panic in my chest my eyes were starting to form tears yet again
"You believe me when I say that he was the one who kissed me right?!"
I stayed a little more hurriedly panic setting into my voice as a few tears streamed down my face
His eye brows stayed furrowed and after a bit he spoke
"Yes I believe you"
He said wiping away my tears with his thumbs caressing my cheeks smoothing me as I was crying at this point
"Just mad he stole a kiss from you" he kissed my head as I cried into his chest wetting the beautiful red yukata


Kirishima POV

He started to cry into my chest as I held him close trying to comfort him and calm myself down, I wasn't mad at izuku no he did nothing wrong but I'm mad at shinso... and myself I've seen shinso once or twice checking out Izuku but I never thought it was out of attraction maybe if I had stopped it then and there izuku wouldn't be crying into my chest at midnight on our new years date.. I have to cheer him up somehow I think back to our many conversations trying to remember anything that cheer him up. I suddenly remembered that Izuku said that his favorite food was katsudon. I remember my mom has a recipe for it and we should have enough ingredients at home maybe a movie with his favorite food will cheer him up...

Authors note:
I'm sorry this chapter is short quarantine is CRAZY and it's getting difficult to write with online school short chapters may be more common now but I think if I focus on just giving you what I can my posts may be more frequent! As well I hope everyone is safe and being safe with this corona pandemic! Maybe my chapters will save you at least a little bit from boredom hehe.. well with lots of love please remember to wash your hands and if you go outside to keep 6ft from people and to wear a face mask! ❤️❤️

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