chapter 18: Festival of smiles ("new years" speacil part 3)

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Kirishima and Midoriya just got done with a steamy make out session

Midoriyas POV
"what's oops eijiro..." I asked concerned
He just scratched the back of his neck and looked around the festival grounds
Until he seems to find what he's looking for
"How about we dress in kimonos!"
He stated excitedly distracting me from whatever he was worried about
"oooo yes!"
I said agreeing with him equally as excited
He smiled and held his hand out to help me up which I gladly took and we both stood up we held hands as I followed him to where he saw the Kimono stand we entered and the nice old lady
"Ooo normal we don't see boys here unless their lady friend drags them here"
The old lady chuckled and came to greet us I smiled being kind hearted myself
"But it looks like you two are together"
She points to me strangely around my neck area I was confused my smile turning a little cricked getting tense as I looked over to Kirishima and he was in a full blush
I was worried that maybe she wouldn't be accepting or start discriminating us but her smile never faded
"Don't worry boys, I know some people look down upon it but I think that love should have no boundaries"
The old lady wisdom and kindness in her eyes from all the years she has been on earth smiled and started walking to the back where the racks of decorated fabrics were held on a rack in perfect order the vibrant colors all lined up
"Would you like to just rent the kimonos for the day?"
"Y-yes please" I spoke up feeling a little more comfortable
The old lady hummer a response and pulled two yukatas from the perfectly ordered clothings
She pulled out one green yukata and one red yukata
"They are matching"
She said as she turned to us
"Perfect for a cute couple"
She then looked over to me
"And hides the neck well"
Me still not know what she is talking about just rubbed my neck confused by her words while Kirishima thanked her and walked into the changing rooms
We went into our separate stalls and I began removing my clothes in the closed walls of the changing stalls I looked in the mirror and that's when I saw them
There were love bites all over my neck I felt my entire body heat up
So that's what she meant! How embarrassing! I covered my face trying to calm down once I was calm I slipped the yukata on and walked out of the stall waiting for Kirishima crossing my arms with a pouty face when he came out the stall I glared at him clearly upset
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and came up to me
It was very hard to stay mad at him when he looked so cute in the yukata
(These are the yukata by the way)

" I asked concernedHe just scratched the back of his neck and looked around the festival grounds Until he seems to find what he's looking for"How about we dress in kimonos!"He stated excitedly distracting me from whatever he was worried about"oooo...

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He mumbled out and I couldn't help but smile
"It's ok just next time tell me so I can at least attempt to hide it"
He smiles and kisses my nose
"You look adorable by the way"
I laughed at his affectionate actions
"So do you"
We walked out the shop paying for the rentals and left to explore the festival.
We stoped at a mochi stand and got mochi I got a matcha mochi while Kirishima got a red bean mochi
(Sorry I'm sticking with colors here I figured the twining theme was cute)
Kirishima got some of the powder on his face so I wiped it off with my hand and we both laughed
After that we went to go play a fish game called kingyo sukui (gold fish scooping)
I was really good at the game but I kept releasing my fish since I didn't want a goldfish at home.  I had to use a lot of control for quirk training with allmight so it made since but Kirishima was really struggling he was on his third scooper I moved closer to him
"Man I really want that goldfish too!"
He pointed at a gold fish that was orange with a white face and yellow patches of glittering scales
I smiled and sat next to him
"I'll help you then"
I put my scooper in the water and guided the fish to Kirishima's scooper
Once the fish was calm I told Kirishima to lift his scooper up
"Now remember to lift it up slowly so you don't scare the fish... or break your scooper"
He nodded with a determined concentrated look on his face that was put right adorable
We slowly lifted the fish out of the water and put it in the bag full of water
Kirishima smiled brightly
"YAY WE GOT TAIYO!" He shouted looking at the fish in the bag
I questioned him and he looked at me still smiling softly
"I figured I'd name him sun because of how much he glitters"
I nodded
"That's cute"
He blushed and nodded while I check my watch
"We should probably go to get a spot for fireworks they are about to start"
He walked to me and grabbed my hand
"Alright let's go"
He said and started walking
After a while he let go of my hand to keep taiyo safe because his bag was bumping into people and I got lost in the crowd
I called out for him but got no response
I was standing in the crowd of people
I heard behind me but I couldn't spot the owner of the voice until a hand grabbed mine and dragged me out of the crowd and into a less crowded area


authors note
Sorry this update took so long I over worked myself and started working on 3 books at the same time so I decided to try making a schedule and it worked out well and I could finally start getting chapters out again! Also I guess this doesn't really count as a New Years special anymore at his point the time is just New Years for them hehe my bad but it is really important for the storyline so I can't scratch it anyways thank you for all the nice comments! They really brighten my day and some make me laugh also 22K reads?! Thank you so much!

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