Thirty Nine

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*two years later..

Justin p.o.v.

Me  and Lisa finally set a date three months ago. I could feel my hands sweating as the music started. I turned to the door and in came Jazzy and Jax.  Then I saw Lisa and my heart started racing. We said our vows and the preacher started speaking.

"Justin Bieber, do take Lisa McCann to be your wife? In life and death? In sickness and health? For better or worse? For rich or poor? Til death do you part?or rich or poor? Til death do you part?" He stated.

"I do." I slipped the ring onto her finger.

"Lisa McCann, do you take Justin Bieber to be your husband? In life and death? In sickness and health? For better or worse? For rich or poor? Til death do you part?" He repeated.

"I do." She put the ring on me.

"You may kiss the bride."

*Justin, Jason, or one in the same?Where stories live. Discover now