Chapter 17: schizophrenia

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Listen to schizophrenia

Mae's POV:

Jahseh: Mae
Jahseh: Mae
Jahseh: Mae

Me: what

Jahseh: I miss you.

Me: I literally just left your house! I'm still in your driveway!

Jahseh: okay, but I miss you.

Me: okay Jah

Jahseh: it's true. You should come back

                                          Me: I can't

Jahseh: y
Jahseh: y
Jahseh: answer me
Jahseh: please baby?

Me: baby? Y tf—

Jahseh is calling.....


Jahseh stop.

Me: stop

Jahseh: answer.

Me: no

Jahseh: ur brother is driving away :(

Me: I noticed. I'm in the car idiot.

Jahseh: that's still not what name I wanted you to call me

Me: too bad idrc

Jahseh is calling.....

"What?!" I pick up the phone.

"You answered." he states.



"Because you asked me to."

"Why won't you call me daddy then?"

"Because that's weird and my brother is in the car."

"And he can hear your conversation." Dustin cuts in.

"Jahseh, I got to go."



"Okay." he sighs.

"Bye Jahseh."

"Bye Mae. I lov—. I mean, I'll talk to you later." he hangs up.

"Soooooooooo, who was that?" Dustin smiles.

"His name is Jahseh." I answer.

"Jahseh Onfroy?" he asks, his eyes wide.


"Don't talk to him anymore." Dustin growls.

"Why not?"

"Do you trust me?" Dustin asks.

"Well, yeah—"

"Then don't talk to him anymore." He cuts me off angrily. Then he sighs. "Mae, I just— I'm trying to protect you."

"Bullshit. He protects me. You are protecting yourself. Your ego." I seethe. "That's one of my best friends your talking about and I don't appreciate your opinion."

"Mae—" Dustin starts.

"Now. I'm done with this stupid ass conversation." I say, staring forward.

The rest of the drive was silent.


Sorry for short chapter.

People coming back and then leaving me.

And I have writer's block ✌️ so that's fun.......

K bye

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