chapter 9: before i realize

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listen to before i realize


"Mae, what happened to you?" he repeats sadly.

"A lot." i respond. "And then some."

"Uh here." Jahmont hands Jahseh the rag and jahseh places it on my head slowly.

"Thank you." i whisper and close my eyes.


Mae, wake up. Lucas shakes me awake.

isn't there someone else you can torture? I say with my eyes still closed.

Nah, it's not as fun. He chuckles.

Ha ha. I say dryly.

i miss you, Mae. He says seriously.


don't lucas me. i really do.

this isn't good for my mental health. never was.

i know, Mae. i'm sorry.

heard that before.

He sighs.

that's what i thought, lucas. please, i'm trying to move on.

by hurting people. like i hurt you.

oh please. you hurt me way fucking more than i hurt them stupid girls.

you swung at me earlier.

yeah, so?


i hate you

i deserve that.

you deserve worse.


can you please leave now?

who's this guy? laying next to you?

Jahmont's friend.

he's getting a lil cozy, Mae. i don't like it.

i don't like you, go away.

so you like him?

i didn't say that.

But you're thinking it. Now actually... wake up. He snaps his fingers and i sit up, wiping the sweat off of my forehead. Lucas isn't here now, of course. I feel a hand on my back and i tense up.

"Mae, it's me. Jah. It's okay..... It's okay." he says softly.

"I- need to go outside." i mumble quietly. Tears well up in my eyes.

"What?"  he asks groggily.

"I need fresh air." i say a little louder, but not loud enough.

"Huh?" he says again and sits up.

"I need fresh air!" i exclaim and tears drip down my cheeks.

"Okay, I'll go with you." He crawled down the ladder. I crawled down after him. He grabbed my hand and I tensed slightly. We walked outside. I put my head in my hands.

He likes you. Lucas says from in front of me.

please stop.

i can't. i'm in your head. only you can get rid of me.

you'd think after murdering you, that's what i was doing.

it's all in your head.

i know.

then get rid of me.

"Mae." Jahseh says. "Talk to me."

"I'm in my own head. But it's not me. It's so hard to explain." I cry.

"Start from the beginning." He says, squeezing my hand gently.

"Seh, I don't wanna. I'm sorry." i admit.

"It's okay, I understand." He says.

"Can you sing me a song? To take my mind off of things?" i ask.

"Yeah of course." he says. i wrap my arms around him. "Spend time, waitin for you
You know i'd die before you
Realized, long before you
You know I tried with you, know it
Real love, know i saw you
Said you can't hide beneath your
Pain, I seen it with my eyes"

"Seh, that's so pretty. Who wrote that?" i look up at him.

"I did." he says.

"It's beautiful."  i smile softly.

"Let's go inside." he says.


"Let's just go inside." he cuts me off.

"Fine. Jerk." i stand up and he grabs my arm gently. He stands up too and kisses me softly on the cheek. I gasp and rip my arm away and run inside.

"Mae—" he says quietly after me.

I hurry into jahmont's room and climb up the ladder.

What. The. Hell.




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