Chapter 13: SMASH

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Listen to SMASH

Mae's POV:

"No! Get in the car." Jahseh states.

"Go. Away." I grit out and push past him. He grips my arm lightly enough to stop me.

"I'm not letting you do this." he says.

"Good thing I never asked for your permission." I say without stuttering and yank my arm away harshly. I get to the brigde and sit, my legs dangling over the edge.

Jahseh sits next to me.

"Go on." I say aimlessly. I stare ahead into the brown, murky water.

"Tell me a story." he says.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm not gonna sit here and talk if you are not gonna listen. So tell me a story." he says and I look at him.

"When I was 14, I met him. Lucas. I thought he was perfect. He was funny, charming. He was so cute." I blush, remembering the first time I saw him. "We didn't talk for the longest time." I laugh dryly. "Then he dumped his tray on me. By accident. He tripped. I was so embarrassed. He apologized and of course I accepted his apology. We sat together from then on. The next week, Mimi was the new kid. We met in the bathroom and then we were inseparable. Lucas then asked me on a date. I said yes. Obviously.  The hitting. It started a couple of months after we starting dating. I never told anyone. He said no one would believe me. He apologized to me and I forgave him. And it continued. For two years. I just never thought he would go as far as to r-rape me." my voice broke at the end as I held in my tears.

Jahseh reaches out to touch me, then puts his hand to his side, changing his mind.

"I'm so so sorry this happened to you, Mae. If I was there, that would've never happened." he says quietly. I look over at him to see him staring at me. I lay my head on his lap and look up at him. He looks taken back.

"X." I say.

"Yeah?" he asks lightly.

"Thank you." I sit up and hug him. He hugs me back gently.

"It was my job." he whispers in my hair.


We both jump away from each other and look at Ski, who seems like he's acting like a girl.

"Get in losers, we're going shopping." he says in a girl voice and I giggle lightly. Jahseh sighs and stands up, holding his hand out to help. I take it and his pulls me up slightly.

I get in the back seat and buckle up.

I'm not okay, I'm broken. But one day, someone else will fix me.

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