Chapter 4: Ash's Desicion

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*Serena's POV

I woke up pretty early for my first full day in Alola so I changed into some new clothes and decided to take a short walk but I was spotted by Mallow and Lillie

"Serena!" Mallow said and I turned around

"Hey there Mallow" I replied

"What are you doing up so early? Waiting for Ash?" Lillie asked and I began to blush

"Y-Yeah" I answered

"Well he's usual up by time" Mallow said

"He is?" I asked

"Yeah he is, we'll take you to him!" Lillie answered and I began to follow the two of them

"So Serena..... do you like Ash?" Mallow asked

"W-What do you mean?" I asked back

"It's  pretty obvious you like him, but we were curious why" Mallow explained

"That's right, how do you know Ash?" Lillie asked

"Well we were childhood friends and about two years ago we travelled together through Kalos" I answered

"Oh wow" Mallow replied

"So are you going to ask him out then?" Lillie asked

"A-Ask him out!? I can't do that!" I exclaimed

"Why not?" They both asked

"B-Because he's gonna say no" I replied

"You don't know that" Mallow said

"That's right, I'm sure he likes you back" Lillie added

"How can you be so sure?" I then asked

"Well you can tell by the way he looks at you" Mallow pointed out

"But we're about to get there so you can see for yourself!" Lillie said

We then entered the school campus and they show me to where Ash was. He was with Kiawe and Mercury who wasn't wearing his robe as Ash was talking about something

"But isn't that really difficult?" Ash asked

"Eventually you'll get the hang of it" Mercury answered

"If i were you Ash I would totally try it out" Kiawe said

"Go to him" Lillie whispered and I walked forward and say "H-Hey Ash"

Ash then turned and when he saw me he smiled and asked "Hey Serena! What brings you around here?"

"Well I came to see you of course..... is that a problem?" I asked

"No not at all! I'm glad your here" Ash answered and I smiled

"School starts in a bit but your welcome to stay Serena" Kukui said as he walked up

"Oh please stay Serena!" Mallow begged

"It'll be totally great!" Lillie added

"Sooo should I stay Ash?" I asked and Mallow and Lillie gave Ash a threatening look

"I'd love it if you stayed" Ash answered as he held my hand I started to blush really bad so the two girls giggled

"Th-Then I'll stay" I said nervously

"Yay!" Lillie & Mallow shouted

"Hey guys" Lana said as she approached from behind

*Third Person POV

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