Chapter 7: Performing in Alola!

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We join Serena as she sits on the bed, awaiting for Ash to wake up so that the new couple could do something like he had promised. She had been waiting for about an hour on her phone until she could hear him waking up

"Ash?" Serena asked

"Hey Serena" He replied as he sat up and rubbed his eyes

"Are you feeling alright?" She then asked

"Yeah I am" Ash answered with a smile

"So are you going to keep your promise?" Serena asked teasingly as she crossed her arms in expectance

"Of course I am!" Ash declared

"What should we do then...." Serena wondered

"If theres anything you want to do then we can do it, unless you want me to come up with something for us" Ash replied

"Ash, are you sure theres no performances in Alola?" Serena asked

"Yeah im sure, or else i think Mallow and Lillie would have tried it out" He answered

"Then I know what I want to do!" Serena exclaimed

"What are you going to do?" Ash asked curiously

"Im gonna throw a performance party!" Serena answered

"Sounds like a good idea" Ash agreed

"Well then go ahead and go tell the others, i should start preparing" Serena said as she ruffled Ash's hair, making it messier then it already was

"Alright! Ill see you later then" Ash replied

"Yes you will" Serena agreed with a grin

Ash then gave Serena a kiss which made her lose here confidence as she blushed, and he then walked out to go tell his friends about Serena's plan

It wasn't that long of a walk and Ash found his friends sitting around talking about something

"Hey guys, is there something happening?" Ash asked

"Hey Ash! Wheres Serena though?" Miette asked back

"She's back at the cabin still" Ash answered

"What'd you guys do anyways?" Mallow asked

"Yeah its been over an hour" Shauna added as she stretched

"If i didn't know any better i'd say theres a reason his hair is messy" Kiawe added teasingly, nodding his head

"What are you talking about?" Lillie asked

"Cut it out Kiawe" Mallow said

"Alright, but i'm just saying" Kiawe replied

"Well i took a nap and when I woke up Serena said she wanted to throw a performance party. Also my hair was like this when I woke up for your information, Serena only made it worse by trying to fix it" Ash explained

"A performance party? What a great idea" Professor Kukui said

"It'll be totally fun to watch Serena preform in person" Lana agreed

"Then lets get on it, Ash you should tell Serena that we can get everything ready" Kukui then said

"Right! Ill go back and tell her" Ash replied

"Cant you just text her?" Sophocles asked

"I-I don't actually have her number" Ash answered nervously

"How do you not have her number?" Shauna then asked

"I haven't seen her in two years so of course I don't have it" Ash explained

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