Chapter 12: Plans For The Future

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*Serena's POV

I suddenly bursted awake in the middle of the night, around 2am since I had a nightmare about something I couldn't really remember now

I looked around me and Bonnie was still asleep on the bed across from me so I silently got up and walked towards the balcony

I was hoping to find some peace and quiet but what I didn't expect to see was my boyfriend sitting on the balcony table staring out into the distance

"Ash? Your awake?" I greeted

"Huh?" He asked and he turned to see me before giving a cute half smile "Oh hey Serena, I just couldn't sleep" and he rubbed his eyes

"What's on your mind?" I asked as I sat down next to him

"I was just thinking about the league" Ash answered

"Your not thinking about the Alolan League are you" I replied and his smile dropped "Your thinking about the Kalos League"

"I never really told you or anyone but that second place really got to me. I had never gotten to the finals before and to get so close..... one attack" Ash explained as he made a right fist with one of his hands "Thats why I left Kalos.... to leave my mistake behind"

"It's alright to lose Ash" I said as I put my hand over his fist "I lost the master class three times before winning the title of Kalos Queen"

"Two years ago, I wanted to be a Pokémon master and you wanted to be Kalos Queen. Only one of us have achieved their goals" Ash replied

"It's only a matter of time until you achieve yours! You just have to not give up" I responded a little too loud

"You think so?" Ash asked

"I know so!" I confirmed ".... and plus, in my eyes your already a Pokémon master. Wether you win the league or not"

"You know I never really got the chance to ask you, but what did you do in Hoenn?" Ash then asked

"I did a lot of Pokémon Contests, I was pretty good at them but they weren't exactly my thing" I answered "Oh and I also met another coordinator that I traveled with in my time in Hoenn, her name was May" and Ash has a half shocked half happy look so I gave him a confused look

"I had a feeling you two would meet. I travelled with May and her brother Max during my time in Hoenn" Ash said

"What! I didn't know that" I replied

"I guess there wasn't any way of me being brought up" Ash pointed out

"Well there was one way you could've been, but she never asked" I said

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