Chapter 6: Alolan Games?

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Everyone was out on the beach today as they had a mini break from school. The Alolans and Ash's Kalos friends were playing dodgeball while Ash, Serena and Bonnie watched from the side

"They sure are taking it pretty seriously" Serena said

"Well its one of the only things we have to do in Alola" Ash replied

"But theres lots of fun things to do in Alola!" Serena exclaimed

"Thats right, and ill show you every one of them" Ash said

"Thanks Ash" Serena then said and she gave him a kiss

"That reminds me though, you only have a few more days here before you need to go" Ash remembered

"I know, but it'll only be for three weeks and then you can come back to Kalos!" Serena replied

"What are you going to do in those three weeks anyways?" Ash asked

"I have to do a lot of preforming practice and other Kalos Queen duties" She answered

"I just hope it isn't too much trouble for you though" Ash said

"It won't be! Its worth it to hold the title" Serena replied

"Hey! Are you two gonna join us?" Kiawe asked

"Do you want to play Serena?" Ash then asked

"Uh... I-Im not sure Ash..... i don't really play these kinds of things" Serena answered quietly

"Come on Serena! It won't be too bad" Mallow said

"Yeah we won't hit hard!" Lillie added

"And you two can be on the same team" Kiawe finished as he switched sides

"Please Serena?" Ash begged

"Alright" Serena sighed

"There you go, you need to try new things" Miette said

"Right" Serena replied

The two then joined their friends and played dodgeball and it wasn't as bad as Serena thought it would be. The game went on for a few minutes until it eventually came down to Mercury against Ash

"Its just one hit Ash" Clemont said

"Thats right, all you need to do is land it once" Tierno added

Ash threw ball as hard as he could but it missed as Mercury titled his head and dodged it

"Oh no" Ash & The Alolans said

Mercury then threw the ball and it went almost too fast for Serena's eyes to see, but the next thing she knew was that Ash was siting on the ground rubbing the back of his head nervously

"Are you alright Ash? That looked pretty hard" Serena asked

"Yeah i'm fine, nothing i haven't been hit by before" Ash answered

Serena then walked over and helped him up

"Thanks Serena" Ash said

"No problem Ash" Serena replied with a smile

"So are we still playing Water Ball?" Lana asked

"Sure!" Ash answered

"Whats Water Ball?" Serena asked

"You haven't played it before Serena?" Shauna asked

"Yeah its a pretty common game in Kalos too" Trevor added

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