Chapter 11: From The Heart

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"So what happened with Ash and Serena?" Mallow asked

"Well they were having a battle and Serena got mad because Ash was clearly holding back on her even though she told him not too" Shauna explained

"I think I'd be mad too" Kiawe said

"So where'd they go anyways?" Lillie asked

"Serena stormed off and we don't know exactly where Ash went but it wasn't towards her" Clemont answered

"Do you think we should find them? Or at least Serena, she might be lost" Mallow pointed out

"I don't think she would get lost around here" Kiawe replied

"And those two are super close, they'll figure it out, it's just a matter of time" Miette added

*With Ash

Ash was currently by the beachside sitting down on a flat rock stump with Pikachu by his side as they started out into the deep blue sea

"I think this only making things worse" Ash said

"Pika?" Pikachu asked

"The color of the sea.... all I see are her eyes, the ones I hurt" Ash answered

"Pika pi!" Pikachu exclaimed

"No your wrong Pikachu. I don't deserve Serena, I didn't believe in her ability to battle against me so how am I suppose to be there for her" Ash disagreed and he now looked at the ground instead

"What's gotten into you"

"Huh?" Ash asked and he turned around to see Miette walking up

"I asked what's wrong with you" Miette said

"You know what's wrong with me" Ash replied

"You know... she really is mad, more then you know" Miette pointed out "..... but she also loves you more then anything Ash. Also more then you could ever know"

"What do you mean?" Ash asked

"Serena was on the verge of being obsessed with you Ash. She never stopped talking about you for the past two years, so why can't you go and apologize?" Miette asked

"It's not the first time I've done this, your right. She is more mad then I realized at first" Ash answered as he put his head up, remembering something


"Pancham use Stone Edge!" Serena commanded

"Pikachu use Iron Tail to stop that last column!" Ash instructed

Pancham hit the ground and the stone columns shot up from the ground, but Pikachu use Iron Tail and smashed the last column, stopping the attack

"Now use Arm Thrust!" Serena said

"Use Quick Attack!" Ash replied

The two Pokémon then charged at each other but Pikachu slammed into Pancham before and for finished the battle

"Thanks Pancham, return" Serena said with a sad expression

"Something wrong Serena?" Ash asked

"You were holding back on me Ash" She answered

"I wasn't-.... I'm sorry Serena, I promise I won't anymore" Ash apologized

"You promise?" She asked

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