Chapter X: Battling Gone Wrong?

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*Serena's POV

Today was a Saturday and I made sure the first thing I did when waking up was texting Ash about what he was going to do today

"Hey Ash" I texted

"Hey Serena" He texted back

"What are you doing today?" I asked

"I don't think I have anything planned. Although I would love to do something with you if you want to" He answered

"I'd love to!" I replied

"Great. When are you available?" He asked

"Oh Ash. Theres nothing I'd rather do then do something with you. We can meet up right now" I said

"Same here Serena. I'll stop by your guys cabin in a bit" He replied

"Sounds good to me" I agreed

There was then a knock on the door so I got up and answered it, and it was Miette at the door

"Hey Miette" I said

"Hey Serena" She replied

"Do you need something?" I asked

"Um, Breakfast is ready so I came to get you" She said

"Oh right. But can I talk to you really quick?" I then asked

"Sure" She answered

We then backed up into my room, and we sat on my bed next to each other

"So what is it?" Miette asked

"I-I just wanted to know if you were alright with me dating Ash. I never really talked to you about it" I replied and she gave me a weird look

"What are you, crazy?" She asked back

"What do you mean? I thought you liked Ash so...." I was in the middle of explaining but she cut me off and said "I didn't like Ash, well not nearly as much as you did. I did what I did in Kalos to help you out Serena" which made me start to blush for the first time in a while

"Looks like you understand. Now lets head over" Miette then suggested

"Right" I agreed

The two of us then headed to the kitchen where we found the rest of my Kalos friends in the middle of breakfast

"Finally your awake" Shauna said with a smile

"We all know Serena well enough by this point. She never wakes up on time" Bonnie said

"Hey. I value my sleep" I defended

"Both are you are not that wrong. Now that she has the title of Kalos Queen, time management is pretty important" Clemont pointed out and me and Bonnie stuck our tongues out at each other but then laughed it off

We then ate for a bit but about halfway in there was a knock at the door

"Who's at the door?" Trevor asked

"Isn't it obvious" Miette replied with a teasing tone towards me

"I'll get it" I said

I then walked over to the door and opened it and saw Ash at the door with a big smile on his face

"Hey Serena, ready to go?" My boyfriend asked

"Um, we were kind of in the middle of breakfast. How about you join us?" I offered

"I already ate but ill sit down with you guys" Ash accepted

I then grabbed Ash's hand and dragged him back into the kitchen where we were met by some snickering from the group

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