Chapter 8: Ash's Second to Last Alolan Challenge

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We join Ash and Serena as they meet up early in the morning for school

"Hey Ash" Serena said

"Hey Serena, sleep well?" He asked

"I sure did" She answered

"So do you have any plans for today?" Ash asked

"Not today but tomorrow me and Professor Kukui are going to be doing some work to set up Alola's first performance! Today I have to go out and run some errands for it though" Serena announced 

"Thats great! I can't wait to see you succeed" Ash replied

"You think ill succeed?" Serena asked

"Of course, you've succeed at everything you've put your mind too so far haven't you?" Ash asked back

"I... guess your right when you think about it like that. I wanted to be Kalos Queen and I did that, and then I wanted to be with you... and here I am!" Serena agreed

"Thats right, you can do this Serena, no sweat" Ash backed up

"Thanks Ash. Ill do this for you and all of Kalos" Serena replied

"Theres the girl I missed so much" Ash stated with a smile 

"R-Right. Anyways, what are you doing today?" Serena asked

"Well after school I have to challenge my final Elite Four before I can enter the league" Ash revealed 

"Aw, I wish I could watch. I haven't seen a real battle of yours in a while" Serena said

"You saw me battle once though" Ash replied

"real battle" Serena emphasized 

"Not you too" Ash sighed

"Its only being honest Ash. Im sure you'll do great against the final elite with Greninja" Serena replied

"Thanks. Then thats a good luck to the both of us today" Ash said

"Right" Serena agreed

"Well ill see you later Serena, try not keep me waiting too long" Ash then said and he kissed Serena which made her cheeks flare up 

"O-Ok. I won't!" She responded

Ash and Serena made their way through the days respectively until school ended for Ash and he was ready to go and challenge his final Elite.

"Professor Kukui, i'm ready to challenge the final elite so I can enter the league" Ash said

"Thats great Ash" Kukui replied

"Hey I want to come watch" Lillie said

"Yeah how about we all go?" Mallow asked

"Sounds like a good idea to me" Ash agreed

"And you can go and get your Kalos friends too" Kiawe pointed out

"Right, ill go do that" Ash replied

Ash then rushed over to where he knew his friends stayed and he knocked on the door and Clemont opened the door

"Oh hey there Ash" Clemont said

"Hey Clemont, I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come see me challenge my last Elite Four of Alola" Ash replied 

"Sure we'll come!" Tierno agreed 

"Its been a long time since we've seen a real battle of yours" Shauna added and Ash sighed

"Alright, lets go" Ash replied with no emotion and he began to walk away

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