Chapter 5: The Kalos King! Ash's Confession

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"So Ash, what do you usually learn in school?" Serena asked

"Well we usually learn stuff about becoming a better train but we also do other subjects like math" Ash answered

"You do math?" Serena asked and she began to laugh

"Whats wrong?" Ash asked back

"I just can't imagine Ash Ketchum doing math" Serena explained

"Im sorry im not as smart as you are" Ash replied, sounding a little annoyed

"Calm down Ash, im just trying to have fun with you" Serena said as she winked at Ash

"Alright" Ash sighed

"Are you alright Ash? You seem kind of down" Serena then asked

"Huh? Oh im fine" Ash answered

"Well you can talk to me if somethings bothering you, or ill hit you with a snowball again" Serena replied

"Ill keep that in mind" Ash said as he smiled at Serena which made her blush

"You guys are back" Kiawe said as Ash, Serena and Lana approached

"Hey Kiawe" Lana said, sounding disappointed

"Now that you guys are back, we can begin what we were planning on doing today" Kukui said

"What are we doing today?" Ash asked

"I thought it would be nice if we had a simple beach day" Kukui answered

"That sounds fun" Ash replied

"It will be" Mallow said

"Your Kalos friends are welcome to join us too Ash" Kukui then said

"Well we'll go tell them" Serena replied

"Looks like we have to walk back again" Ash said as he scratched the back of his head

"Its not that far Ash, don't be silly" Serena said and she grabbed Ash's hand and pulled him away

"I sure hope it doesn't take too long for Serena to ask Ash out" Lillie said

"From the looks of it we won't need to wait much longer" Mallow replied

"So do you guys normally have beach days?" Serena asked

"Not really" Ash answered

"I guess its a special occasion then" Serena said

"Of course it is! The Kalos Queen is here!" Ash replied

"Aw, thanks Ash" Serena then said

They then walked in silence until they reached the cabin and opened the door once more

"Greetings Kalos Queen and King!" Bonnie said as she went on one knee and bowed

"Bonnie..." Serena sighed

"Kalos King?" Ash asked

"Its a title for the Kalos Queen's boy-" Miette was about to say but Serena quickly covered her mouth

"Its nothing" Serena covered up

"Anyways, what are you guys doing back so early?" Clemont asked

"Well were having a beach day at school and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to come join us" Ash answered

"Hey ill come!" Tierno said

"Sounds like fun" Shauna added

"Then lets go!" Trevor finished

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