Tonight, Will It Ever Come

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A/N: ughhh i apologize in advance--shes a trainwreck, thats for sure


Jet had seen a lot throughout the years he'd been in the crew with the boys. He'd seen some of the boys' worst moments and some of their best moments. He even saw the obvious sexual tension when Party and Ghoul were crushing but he had never seen an interaction as horribly... horribly awkward as it had been for everyone since Ghoul had attacked Kobra. Party hadn't really been able to easily go by him. They had been kind of brushing against each other but none of the regular kissing and cuddling.

"Did I ruin their relationship?" said Kobra, nervously. He had been worrying about this for a while now, asking it frequently.

Then Jet would go and reassure him it was fine, nothing was his fault. "Ghoul was wrong. He was mad and he went crazy. Now Party's pretty mad. But it's fine. They'll work it out. They have before and they will again."

Kobra wrapped his arms around himself as he did when he got anxious and looked where Party was, mixing hair dye in one bowl and bleach in another, preparing to recolor his hair. He started brushing the bleach in his roots where his natural color had started growing out and Ghoul looked at him from behind. He had decided to be bold it seemed as he walked up and over to Party,

"You need help with that?" he said, reaching for the dye brush in Party's hand. Party really had no easy way to deny that he was obviously struggling to do it himself.

"Yeah, thanks," said Party, handing him the brush. Ghoul took it and painted his roots. Party kinda ignored it but Jet looked at Kobra and lightly punched his arm.

"See, it's fine," said Jet. "They're fine, they'll make up. It's okay."

Jet, a lot of the time had to reassure all the guys and it's not like he minded. In fact, he was glad he got to be the person the guys depended on most of the time. He loved these guys and would do anything to help them, but it was hard. So often they were in pain and it hurt to watch. It hurt like hell to see the people in the world who meant the most to him to always be going through deep shit, whether they were open about it or not. And Jet just wished he could take all the problems all three of the boys had and put the burden on himself. Maybe they'd be happier.

But Kobra seemed to be reading his mind. "Jet, how are you doing? We never ask."

Jet grinned as he said, "You know, I've been better."

"You wanna talk about yourself for once?" said Kobra. "Thought you'd appreciate it."

"Thanks," said Jet. "You're great. Honestly? Honestly, it's been hard for me to sit through what you guys have been going through. Like, I love you guys it sucks how much you're all hurting."

"I don't want you to be upset because of us," said Kobra.

"No, no, don't worry about it," said Jet. "It's not that it's your fault. I just think all you guys deserve so much better. You all deserve to be happy."

"You do too," said Kobra, a small grin. "You're so important to all of us. You want me to talk to you, you gotta talk to me when you need too."

"I will," said Jet. "You're the best."

Kobra offered a small, subtle grin. He looked over, seemingly checking up on Ghoul and Party who now were now sitting a few feet apart, awkwardly. Party was sitting with the bleach in his hair, waiting for it to kick in. His hair was starting to get past his shoulders and was rather unruly and he seemed to notice because he kept self-consciously tossing his hair behind his shoulder. It was odd, he had never minded having long hair but he had been keeping his hair a quite specific length for a while now. With all the recent events, there really hadn't been much time to keep his hair together.

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