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My eyes snapped open so fast it hurt, I immediately felt a headache coming on even the sound of Lazarus lighting the fireplace irritated me.

"She's awake" I heard Stella gasp. I turned my head to her. She looked like she hadn't slept or ate for days. Her beautiful blonde hair was a mess and her clothes were wrinkled.

"What happened?" Stella looked at Lazarus as if she was trying to say 'help.'

"Well Mr. Lazzy over there decided to bloodlet you, and you almost died" she glared at Lazarus.

"She should learn to trust me" he muttered.

"Do I still smell like a slave?" I asked. Stella gave me a knowing look. I let out a frustrated groan before I noticed my room was dusty, very dusty. I knew I would never let it get that dusty.

"How long was I out?" I asked. Stella looked at Lazarus again.

"A while" she mumbled.

"How long is a while?" I felt my heart start to race and sweat started to form on my palms.

"Two weeks" she winced. For fuck sakes! I wanted to die. I wanted to grab Lazarus and shake him so much his head falls off. I wanted to cut all his beautiful hair off in a fit of rage, but in the back of my mind, I knew I shouldn't do that because then I would have nothing to lace my fingers in as he kisses me. 'Stop that' Stella smirked which made me feel nauseous.

"That means we don't have much time before those people come" I tried to sit up, but my muscles wouldn't let me.

"They actually sent a letter a few days after you passed out, they wanted to come early" Stella tried to look anywhere, but my face.

"How early?" I snapped.

"They will be here by tonight" Lazarus interrupted. I turned to him, he looked like he hadn't eaten or slept in days, his black hair was a mess. His black t-shirt was wrinkled which was unusual for the King of perfection.

"Did any of you clean the castle while I was out?" I snapped. They both looked at each other.

"Lazarus was in here almost every minute and I was at work. I highly doubt anything is clean" Stella mumbled.

"For fuck sakes" I huffed. "Stella could you get me some Advil and Lazarus get out I need to change." Without a word, they both left.

I struggled to get out of bed, my legs felt like jelly. My hair was in mats and my body was covered in a good layer of sweat, dirt, oil, and most likely blood. I didn't bother changing my clothes I ripped the sheet off my bed and threw them into a corner. With the strength I had, I left the room and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen where I knew my cleaning supplies were. I collected everything I needed and struggled back upstairs again. I knew they needed bedrooms so I spent most of the day cleaning them all from top to bottom, Lazarus's room I avoided like the plague.

Once I was done cleaning the room a pile of sheets sat in the hallway, I had never seen a washing machine or anything to wash them. I threw all of them down the stairs and waited for Stella to come back to tell me where to wash the stupid things. I felt a little disgusted because a lot of the sheets were from the previous time I cleaned them, but I stuffed them in the corners of the room instead of finding a washing machine.

Stella came back pretty quickly, she told me that the washing room was in the third locked door I had found. It was a small room that smelt like mold, the washing machine only held a few sheets in them so most of my day was switching washer to the dryer, and putting more sheets in.

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